Flashback (Part 3) : Moving on

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I was slowly recovering from the depressed state that I was under. Ever since Diesel gave me that pep talk, I guess you could say I've been...okaaaay. I'm still hurt though,nothing's changed when it comes down to that. I just.... I don't know what to do. It's like I wasted over 5 years of my life, 10 if you wanna count the friendship. She just took relationships to a whole-nother level for me.

While in my thoughts, I heard a knock at the door. Now who in the hell could this be.

I got up and made my way over to the door. I opened it.

The fuck?!?!

Why she here!? I made it clear I didn't wanna see her face. What? This hoe can't comprehend?

"Hey Michael.." She said softly.

I continued to stare at her with a blank expression, mentally cursing her out in my head.

"Michael please say something!?" She said with a hint of sadness.

"Why the hell are you here? Didn't I say I never wanted to see you again? Better yet, I think I made that perfectly clear when I was dragging your ass out of this house. WHY.ARE.YOU.HERE?" I said slowly so she would understand.

She obviously didn't get it the first time..

"I just really wanted to talk to you about everything, and to apologize to you. From the bottom of my heart Michael, I truly am sorry for all the hurt and pain I've caused you. You didn't deserve that. You give me the world and more every single day and that was just so wrong of me to do what I did to you. I am really sorry and I hope that you find,somewhere in your heart, to forgive me for the wrong I've caused you." She spoke softly while continuing to cry.

As I stood there and listened to everything she had to say, I started to hear something. I thin-I think it's...

It's worlds smallest violin playing. Yea that's what I'm hearing.

Did she really think she could apologize to me and everything would just go back to normal?

No sweetheart, that's not how it works.

"No. I can't find it in my heart to forgive you. No, I don't except your apology. No,no,no. That's all your gonna here constantly come out of my mouth. I said everything I had to say, and today I won't be repeating it. Good bye Tori." I said while continuing to shut the door.she stopped me.

"Michael I really am sorry though. I don't want to lose you." She said while sobbing.

"You should've thought of that before you cheated." I said. I continued..

"And the bad thing about it is, this isn't the first time you've cheated either. The only difference between then and now, is the fact that I actually came back to reality, and saw how stupid I was for even trying to keep you. It was pointless." I said and then shut the door.

What was I thinking? You can't turn a hoe into a wife...


Better be good ass hoe..

Nah... that won't work either..

I walked back over to the couch and sat down, drifting off into my own thoughts.It's not worth it. She's not worth it. THIS isn't worth it. Sitting here all depressed waiting for a miracle to happen...it's not going to work. I finally came back to earth and decided that's its time to get back to the old me. Back to my life. I have so much more to learn and prosper from....

It's time to move on with my life.

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"Michael.. Are you gonna answer my question?" I snapped back to reality once I heard Ariel calling my name.

Damn how long was I out of it?

Hope you enjoy. This is the last flashback!
-----Love Ashley😘❤️

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