Love Can Mend A Broken Soul

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Ariel's POV...

I listened as my heels clicked against the marble floor. I sat down in the seat and looked out the window, watching as my flight took off leaving me behind.

I stayed.

All my life,all I ever did was run when things got bad...when things got out of control and I couldn't handle it. Someday I knew I would have to stop,so why not start now. I know it's crazy, but I need to give Michael time to explain...maybe I'm making this out to be more than it really is.

Maybe I just need to listen.

I grabbed my bag and walked to the entrance of the airport. When my taxi finally pulled up,I jumped inside ready to go.

As a way to pass time,I watched as all the buildings flew by. Some big,yet some small. But all of them having one thing in common...Strength. I compared myself to these buildings, knowing that each of them have equally been through some kind of trauma,just like me. Yet they're still holding up; still standing strong.

I gotta be more like those buildings.

As soon as I arrived, I grabbed my things and made my way to the elevator. I got in and pressed the "P" button, watching as the numbers got higher and higher. I finally arrived on my floor, slowly walking down to "Our" room number. Room 7777. Who woulda thought I would be back after what happened a few mornings ago.  I stood there,just staring at the door.

As I stood, I looked to the left to see Diesel coming out of his room. He looked at me and gave me a weak, yet encouraging smile. I smiled back, then faced the door preparing to go in. I took out my key card and slid it into the lock, listening as it clicked to let me know I could go in. I opened the door and walked through, seeing everything that was once in one place, scattered all over the floor. I closed the door slowly and sat my things to the side.

It looked awful.

I slowly walked in further, only to be met by a large figure, hiding under the sheets whimpering. A tear dropped from my eye, knowing it was Michael that was in such an awful state of mind. I walked over to his side of the bed, bending down onto my knees, in front of his face. I began to shed more tears as I looked at his face. His long beautiful hair was tossed around in different directions, his eyes were puffy,red, and instead of his irisis being the beautiful creamy chestnut they usually were, they had become a dark,auburn color. His skin was pale and his lips were no longer that of light pink, but a deep brownish-red. He looked so broken. Right then and there I knew that whatever he had done, was not worth me leaving for.

"Michael..." I whispered softly while getting into bed with him. He slid back and allowed me to fall into his arms.

At least he kept his hygiene up...

He squeezed me tight,and kissed my neck, then cheek and lips.

"I'm sorry.." He spoke as his voice slowly began to crack. I grabbed his face and rubbed his chin, letting him know it was okay. He bent down and laid his head on my chest,listening to my heartbeat. I closed my eyes and savored this moment.

"I love you Michael Joe Jackson..." I spoke softly while messing with his head of curls.

"I love you so much more Ariel Bianca Carter.."


I put so much thought into this, so I hope you enjoyed it!
Oh! And heads up! Next chapter is DEEP...if you get my drift..😚😈🔥
Love Ashley😘❤️

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