I Promise

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Ariel's POV...

As I was running, I was getting more and more scared. Michael was catching up, and I was shittin bricks. My heart was racing and I felt like I was gonna pass out any minute now. I kept going, I had to.

But unfortunately, God cut that run short...

"Shit!" I screamed as I watched my clumsy ass tumble to the ground.
Somehow, I tripped over a random stick..WHERE DA FUCK DID THAT STICK COME FROM?! Don't you just hate that? You be running or walking and you trip over the most randomest things? It is so irritating! I remember this one ti-

"Get your ass up!" I all of a sudden heard as someone grabbed me and drug me to my feet. Damn, you didn't have to be so forceful...

"I'm up, I'm up!" I said as I slowly focused my eyes to see who this person was. The voice sounded so famili-

"Michael! look I can explain-" i began but was soon interrupted.

"Save that shit! Who do you think you are putting your hands on me like that! Have you lost your mind!" Michael yelled.

He's really angry, but so am I....

"Who do you think you are slapping my ass in front of everybody?! Have you lost YOUR mind!" I screamed back.

You got the wrong one today boo..

"Look I was just playin around..You didn't have to slap me like that though!" He said.

Nigga oh well. Bet you won't do it again...

"That was disrespectful as hell. And you told me you wouldn't torment me anymore too. you know what..? I should've known you wouldn't change. Who am I to think you would... and for me. I'm so stupid.." I spoke sadly.

I turned around and began walking back. To be honest, I didn't even know where I was at the moment. I just wanted to get out of his presence.

"Ariel wait up.." he spoke softly while tagging along behind me.

"I like you a lot, okay? I'm just.....I don't even know. I'm sorry,okay? I'll stop..." He said. I turned around and looked at him.

"You mean that?" I asked with a little hope that he would be sincere this time.

"Yes, I promise."



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