A Good Day

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So cute!👆😇

Ariel's POV...

I opened my eyes, squinting so they could adjust to the light. I sat up and stretched finally opening my eyes completely. The room was a mess! Clothes were scattered everywhere, sheets from the bed on the ground, not to mention Michael's big ass sprawled out all over the bed. I tried pushing him over so that I could release my legs, but he wouldn't budge.

Now this nigga know he can't be doing this. He is to large, and too long to be laid out like this.

"Michael!" I screamed smacking him with the pillow.

He didn't budge.😫

I slapped his back and pinched his butt..

Nigga still didn't move.

I grabbed his nuts and he jolted upright.

"Ugggghhh!" He screamed.

"Bet yo ass will get up next time, won't cha?" I spoke sarcastically while getting out of bed and walking to my suitcase to retrieve some clothes. I turned around to see him giving me a mean glare.

"Imma kill you." He said while getting up and chasing me to the bathroom. Thankfully I got in there before he could do anything. But then reality hit me. I doubled over in pain on the floor and grunted.

My vagina feels like it's been ripped apart.

What has this man done to me!?

I slowly got up and ran my shower. I hopped in and began doing what I had to do so I could get out. I finished and got dressed, then limped my way out into the bedroom. I stopped when I saw that the whole room was cleaned up and Michael was waiting for me on the bed with breakfast. I smiled.

"Whatcha waiting for baby girl I'm hungry." Michael eagerly spoke. I rolled my eyes and smiled while walking over to the bed. I gave him a soft peck on the lips and sat down.


We finished our breakfast and hygiene,then made are way down to the lobby where everyonelse was.

"Hey guys!" I yelled once I saw everyone. They all looked at me like I was crazy.

"What?" I questioned.

"Y'all are just nice and giddy this morning,huh?" Vee said while giving diesel a wink. He laughed. Michael squeezed my hand and gave me a reassuring kiss on the cheek. Letting everyone know we good.

"Well I'm glad y'all are on good terms, but I'm ready to go. Can we go now?" Vinny spoke anxiously.Michael turned towards him.

"Vin, you better stay the hell away from me, cause I promise you...I got an ass woopin in store for you.." Michael threatened. Vinny raised his hands up in surrender, while we walked ahead  to the parking lot. We got in the car and made our way out.

Today was gonna be a good day.

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