This Moment

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Ariel's POV

We finally made it to my house after that long as ride. And it was so silent. Not the awkward type of silence,but the calm and comfortable silence. I won't lie, I smiled the whole way home like a little bitch. I can't help it! He makes me smile...

"We're here." Michael said while slowly getting out the truck and coming to my side. He opened the door with his hand held out. "Ready?"

"You act like we're about to do something dangerous." I said while taking his hand and stepping out the car. We began to walk to my door.

"I am about to do something Alittle dangerous..." he said with a sly smirk.

"And what might that be?" I asked. I had a feeling I knew what might happen next. it was about that time...

"This..." he said. And all of a sudden he slowly grabbed my face and leaned in. I began to panic inside. Oh shit!Oh shit!Oh shit!

And then it happened.He kissed me.Slowly yet passionately,Rough and needy yet lovingly. I must say he is an amazing kisser. And his lips are TOO soft...😍

He slowly bit my bottom lip and then kissed it. He pulled back. I felt kinda sad that he did, but I had to play it cool.

Michaels POV

Awkward moment slowly began to creep in.

"Weeeellll..... I guess I'll see you tomorrow?" she said to me while walking through the door.

"Yeah,.....tomorrow.." I said and smiled.

Well then... she smiled back and she slowly walked away, and so did I. I never wanted that moment to end...

Tomorrow, please hurry up!


😱😘was it good? hope you liked it!

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