Louis (Part 2)

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Payton's POV...

"Oh my god! MORE!" I whimper as Louis began thrusting deeper and faster. This man knew exactly what he was doing to me and was too proud of it. He was working me in ways I'd never felt before, not even with Harry.

The faster he began to thrust, the more scratches I began to put in his back. He kept hitting my spot and it was taking me on a ride to ecstasy;I needed some kind of relief. Why not leave a little gift for him to look at in return?

He flipped me over and put me on all fours. It didn't take much time for us both to climax.

"Ugh, shiiiit baby, I'm comin!" Louis grunted in pleasure while still continuing to slam into me from behind. I was on cloud nine and nothing could get me off. I screamed as I began to climax and Louis came shortly after. We both collapsed on the bed and laid there for a few minutes trying to regain our breathe.

"That..was..incredible." I huffed out. I turned to look at Louis who I noticed was slowly beginning to get out of bed.

"Where are you going?" I said out of curiosity.

Once he was all dressed he looked at me and smiled. I frowned.

"You didn't expect me to stay did you?" He spoke sarcastically.

I looked at him in confusion yet hurt because I felt like I knew what was coming next. Louis sat down on the bed next to me. I scooted away, hopefully giving him the hint that I didn't want him near me.

"Look Payton, I-" he began but was soon interrupted. I'd had enough.

"Stop." I said In a calm tone. I just wanted him to get out.

"Payton,-" he began again.

"GET.OUT!" I screamed in anger. He hurriedly got off the bed,grabbed his stuff and made his way out of my hotel room.

I layed down in the fetal position and cried. I was so tired of the hurt.

I've had enough.

Treys POV...

I decided to leave the guys a little earlier and come back to the hotel. I mean,don't get me wrong, there were some fine ass strippers up in there tonight that I definitely could've brought back, but I just wasn't feeling it. I had my mind occupied by other things, more like someone.

I had just gotten off the elevator when I heard screaming down the hall way. Being my noisy self, I sped up and listened to see where it was coming from. Just my luck, I saw Louis coming from that area, from which I realized was Payton's room. If this fucker did anything to her, I swear I'm gonna kill him.

Louis walked down the hall with a smirk while I began to approach him.

"What the hell did you do to her!?" I said screaming in anger and shoving him back a few feet. God! I just wanted to wipe that fucking smirk off his face!

"None of your damn business.." He said while shoulder bumping me on his way to the elevator.

"Hey Harry!" I yelled. He turned around.

"If you've hurt her, I swear to God on my mother, I'm gonna find you and kick your ass." I said in a serious tone. He smirked at me and I watched him as the elevator doors closed.

I began to make my way to Payton's room. I knocked on her door.

"What.." I hear her say in the saddest voice I'd ever heard. It broke my heart to know she was hurting so bad.

"It's Trey, can I come in? I just want to check on you.." I spoke back softly.

"I'm fine. Now go away." Payton said.

"I'm not going anywhere till I see your face and know that your really okay." I said to her calmly and reassuringly. I heard her slowly walking to the door.

She opened the door and I just wanted to hug her, and that's what I did. I grabbed her short self and just hugged her. For a second she began to fight me, but soon after she just broke down and cried. Being the man I was, I picked her up bridal style and carried her into the suite. I sat down in the middle of the bed with her still in my lap and held her in the most protective way I could. I needed her to know I cared.

"What happened?" I spoke while slowly stroking her back. She whimpered in my arms and in instinct I held her closer.

"H-He used me. For his own personal fucking gain! I thought he was better than that! I thought he was different.." She began to cry softly. As I listened to her explain the situation I got angrier by the minute. I wanted to kill him!

And I know what you guys are thinking. Coming to her when she is down and upset. I know that's what it seems like, but that's not the reason why I'm here. I'm here because I care and the more I see her and am around her the deeper my feelings become.

I need her.

We sat in silence for a while. And I just stayed there holding her, comforting her, letting her know I was there for her.

Because I was.

"Thank you for being here(*hiccup*) Trey. I really appreciate it." She said to me softly.

"You're welcome beautiful,So very welcome." I said resting my chin on top of her head.

This was,and has been, a long night.

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