Mad Mike

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Ariel's POV...

"Look who we have here..." Michael teased.

Oh great...back to old habits huh?I must've been crazy to actually think this man was going to change.And for me of all people...ugh. I seriously feel like a dumbass...

I slowly got up and started walking over to the ball rack. I decided that I was just gonna go ahead and start practicing instead of listening to this jerk..

"Oh so you just think you can avoid me..?" he said while walking over to me and putting his hand on the small of my back. he then leant in and whispered..

"Ohhh don't work like that." and then out of the blue he smacked my butt.

As a instant reflex, I raised my right hand and bitch-slapped the shit out of him.

"DON'T YOU EVER TOUCH ME LIKE THAT AGAIN YOU OVERGROWN PEICE OF SHIIIT!!!!" I yelled. I was sooo pissed. How dare he touch me like that? I want him to do it again, better yet...I dare him.

Michaels POV...

I stood there. I slowly felt as if though my eyes were turning a deep shade of red the madder I became. I watched on as she looked at me with the most anger you'd ever seen.

"I know you didn't just slap me?...HAVE YOU LOST YOUR DAMN MIND!" I screamed with everything I had in me. She jumped back. Oh yeah girl, you better be scared..

The whole gym was silent.No balls bouncing.No swishing of the nets.No talking.No Running.No nothing. Just empty silence.

Ariel's POV...

Oh shit. Time to go!

I immediately sprinted towards the door and ran out. I was completely embarrassed and I just wanted to get away from everyone. As I looked back, I could faintly see Michael getting closer and closer..

Getting away from him was the only thing I wanted to do...


What will happen next?👈


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