Beautiful Sounds

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Levi's POV...

I opened my eyes only to be met with a bright ray of sun peeking through the curtains. I sat up and stretched in an attempt to crack my back, but unfortunately, that didn't work. I hopped out the bed, and began to bend over and touch my toes, bend my back, and also sway from side to side. I guess this is my consequences for sleeping with my back against the headboard...

"What are you doing?" Someone spoke with a soft giggle. I turned around to see who was observing me. Once I saw her beautiful face everything from last night came rushing back.

The situation with Payton and Louis...

Such an ass...

"Ohh.. I was just stretchin. My back was hurting..." I said while continuing with my stretches. She beckons for me to come sit down on the bed, and I oblige.

"Lay on your stomach.." Payton spoke softly and I did as I was told.

She climbed on top of my lower back and sat down while slowly beginning to massage the upper half.

Shit felt so goooooood!

Almost had a nigga cryin!

I moaned in pure ecstasy as she massaged the stress knots out of my right shoulder.

Ole' girl knew what she was doin...

"So..... I'm guessin you're feeling better...ya know...with everything that happened last night and all..." I said cautiously. I didn't want to hit a nerve and the dam just break loose. I wanted to take it nice and easy.
I sit up while she raises off my back and rests herself against the headboard.

"I'm okay..I'm not worried about it any more. I'm just gonna keep my distance from men for a while. I think that's what's best for me right now." She spoke. I nodded my head slowly, taking it all in.

It hurt me a little bit because I was really feeling her and wanted to get to know her on a deeper level..but I can understand where she's coming from.

And I get it 100%

"That's good. I think that's what you need right now. You're heart is fragile and you need to relax a bit." I said. She gave me a "Stank" look.

"Boy, I am not fragile. You got the wrong one..." Payton spoke sarcastically.

"Don't even start with me.." I began with a chuckle. She broke out into a fit of laughter.

Such a beautiful sound...
Hope you enjoyed!
---Love Ashley😜❤️😘

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