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Ariel's POV

When he said his life was really complicated I didn't really believe him. I mean.. come on. You live in a huge mansion, driving a Cadillac Escalade, you obviously have a lot of money and your captain AND quarterback of UCLA's football team not to mention soon you are gonna be drafted...... and your telling me your life is COMPLICATED. Everybody loves him. How? I have no clue but to me, it can't get much better than that! I'd be one happy hoe if I was him.

"So what makes your life so "complicated"?" I said to him while my air quoting.

"Oh I see... you think I'm joking because I have absolutely everything"
Michael quoted with a smirk.

"Well hell yeah. And don't be conceited. It's not a very good quality to possess." I said. He's hot, but I despise his arrogance.

Michaels POV

"Well baby girl not everybody who lives a perfect fantasy, has a perfect life. I went through hell to get to where I am today. To have the things I have, it was worked for not just given to me." I said.

I hate having to talk about my past.But I'm just so comfortable talking to her that it just feels so right.

"What do you mean? Don't tell me you were in the mafia.." Ariel said.She had a certain look on her face that I couldn't read..but I knew she was surprised.

"Noooooo... not quite but I did do some gang related stuff and I did get in trouble a few times. I'm a hothead I can't help it." I said

"Gotcha. Keep going I'm listening.." she told me.

And so I continued..

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