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Michaels POV....

Christmas break was finally here, and I must say I couldn't be happier. I NEEDED this vacation. With everything that has been going on, everyone needs it. Thankfully,I already had my stuff packed and I was ready to go. I grabbed all the plane tickets and made my way to Vee and Ariel's place.

We all decided we would just ride in my escalade and save time and money. I mean,why not? There's only five of us anyway..

I was driving, on my way to their house, when I began thinking. What's gonna happen on this trip? Is everything going to go smoothly? Are we all gonna come home in one piece? I kinda got a little frightened for a second. Better yet, mortified. Who knows what the future holds for us right now in London. All types of shit could happen and we wouldn't even be ready...

"Breathe Mike.. All this thinking is totally unnessecary. Just.Drive." I took a few deep breathes and continued on my journey.

~~~~30 Minutes Later...~~~~

I had finally made it to their house, and while the girls were in the house finishing up, me and Diesel were outside talking and loading up all the bags.

"So, you ready?" Diesel asked.

"I guess...I'm not really sure what's gonna happen, but I'm ready for it." I said back with as much confidence as possible so that I could hide my nervousness.

I'm such a liar...

"You're such a liar." Diesel spoke while smirking at me.

He knows me TOO well.

Soon after we finished our conversation,the girls came walking out.

"We're ready" said Payton. She walked away with a bag of Cheetos in hand, and climbed into the very back of the truck.Vee followed behind. I shook my head in humor.

Ariel came up to me and gave me the most passionate kiss I'd ever received. I continued giving her sweet pecks on the lips till she pulled away.

That eased my nerves...

"Everything will be okay, stop worrying." She said.

Am I really that easy to read? Like seriously?

"Okay" I answered back.

I Gave her one last kiss before I jumped in the car. After everybody was settled in and ready, I started the car and we made our way to the airport.


We arrived at LAX, got our bags, and went through the necessary procedures to get on the plane. Ya know, security check, put your luggage on the little spinning, table thingy.You get my drift...

We got on the plane and thankfully our seats were right next to each other so we wouldn't lose track of where each of us are.

I found my seat and sat down.I absolutely HATED planes with a passion. That was one thing that freaked me out the most.If you could get to London by land, you BEST believe we would've been driving, I don't care how long it would've taken.

While I was staring out into space trying to forget about my surroundings, Ariel suddenly grabbed ahold of my hand. I guess she could sense my nervousness. My facial expression and trembling hands probably gave it away on the spot. She pulled my big hand up to her lips and gave it a peck to insure me that everything would be okay.

And at that moment,sitting beside her, seeing her beautiful face, gave me all the reassurance I needed.

London, here we come.

Hope you enjoyed!
----Love Ashley😘❤️

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