A New Year

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It was New Year's Eve and everyone came to Michael's house to gather around to watch the ball drop in Times Square. We felt like everyone should be here in this moment, enjoying the fact that we'd all made it to a new year, despite all the mess we've all went through.

It was a new year. Why not enjoy it.

Levi's POV...

My New Years resolution was to find myself, and to show Payton all the love she deserves. I know I'm not the best, but I'd be damned if I wouldn't give that woman my all. Yeah I can be a hoe sometimes. But she just lights this fir inside of that I just can't put out. She brings out the login and caring side I had lost such a long time ago, and for once in my life I feel happy. There is literally no one I want more than her. And If I have to put my life and feelings on the back burner for her...I'll do it. If I have to put my player ways on hold fore her... Ill do it. If I have to help her fix herself in order for me to love her... Then I'll do it. Because there is no on else in this world I want more than her.

I mean that.

Payton's POV...

My New Years resolution is to relax and enjoy the single life. Even though I lost the one man I thought I'd love forever,I'm good.Too much mess has went down this year that I am too ready to dispose of. The sex, the fights, the emotions... I'm just ready for it to be over and done with. Cause I know I sure am. But if there is one thing I'm unsure of..it's Levi. Is been so amazing to me through everything, and honestly, I think I'm catching feelings for him. He won't know that though. But maybe things could change in the future...

We'll never know..


Vinnys POV...

My New Years resolution is to stop drinking and partying so much. I need to settle down and relax sometimes,because I can be a huge fuck up, and I don't want that to ruin my life. I love playing sports, I love the college life, the beautiful women and not to forget my friends. I don't wanna lose them (Especially Mike) over my stupid immature ways, I gotta fix myself. I gotta get better not only for me...but for them.


Viashas POV...

My New Years resolution is to get out of this depression.This year has been so tough on not only me, but diesel. We lost our baby. Something we were both so ready for. It took me down and took all and everything out of me and ever since I've been so broken. This depression has taken a tole on not only me but also my  life. I'll never get over the fact of losing my child, but life goes on with or without me,and I can't sit around wasting my life away. I have to live. I'm 21, my life's not over yet...as a matter of fact...

It's just beginning.

Diesels POV...

I don't have a New Years resolution. To me, everything is gonna be the same way it was before. Nothing will change. Well I take that back. Things will change. I'll fall deeper and deeper in love with Vee, Mike will always be my main man/my brother,people may fall in love *Cough,cough*, and some people may be cut off. It just all depends on how we ended things..

And how they'll begin.


Harry's POV...

My New Years resolution is to get Payton back. I fucked up. BAD. And I know that now. She was such an amazing girlfriend to me, and I took her for granted. I was so stupid for the way I treated her and I am willing to do everything in my power to get her back. And by all means getting rid of anyone who decides to get in my way. And for Michael, I'm not through with him yet, I'm just getting started. Levi... Well let's just say if he's not to careful he mind find himself in a heap of shit soon.😈


Tori's POV...

My New Years resolution is to get my love back. Yeah that's right. Michael. He's mine and I'd be damned if I let Ariel's disgusting ass take him from me. He was my everything. We were doing great before she came in the picture and fucked everything up. I will make sure she gets her just reward. In every way possible. He will be mine again...

By all means nesseccary. 


Ariel's POV...

My New Years resolution is to continue to love my king unconditionally. He is everything and I've noticed that without him I am literally nothing. My life is incomplete. This year has been hectic for the both of us, but we got through it..together. And that's all that matters. Trust me...I already feel that this new year is gonna be WAY wilder than before.

Michael's POV....

Aaaah...my New Years resolution is to become better at everything  I do, and also to just be better in general. At the beginning of the year, I was a selfish, conceited asshole who didn't care about anyone but himself. And to top it off,I had an awful girlfriend who didn't care about my morals,let alone her own. But then I met an amazing woman who made me feel so much better about myself,who appreciated me with all my flaws and more,and it made me feel good inside. It made me feel alive. And that was just what I needed. Now I can focus on bettering myself, not only for me, but for the love of my life.😉

Ariel's POV...

We all grabbed are glasses of champagne and made are way to the balcony, where we all stood in line, waiting. The new year was coming in in 10seconds and that's all it took for me to have a flashback through time. I looked up at Michael staring down at me, crashing my lips against his, listening on as we only had 5 seconds left.


Diesel grabbed Vee's face and gave her the most intense kiss he could give. Letting her know he was here, and he wasn't going anywhere.


  Levi grabbed Payton and pulled her into a loving hug while giving her a soft kiss on the forehead, continuing to watch as the ball dropped.


Vinny raised his glass...in a way of letting everyone know he was ready for a change. Those days were over.


Everyone gathered around and held on to each other closely, watching as the ball finally got down to that last second. We all closed our eyes and enjoyed the moment.


We made it.

It's over! Nah I'm kidding. Sequel is coming soon just wait on it. Its gonna be a whole new book,so look out for it.It's in the process of being written. Love everyone who read it and hope you enjoyed it. There's more to come!😁
--------Love Ashley😘❤️

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