Beautiful Beginings

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Ariel's POV...

A few minutes had past, and me and Michael were getting to know so much about each other.

We had finally finished desert and were now just sitting and talking about random stuff.

"So.....If you had to choose between George Bush or Bill Clinton to run again, who would it be?" I asked Michael.

"Hmm... I don't know, Bill Clinton? Who would you pick?" he stated.

"Shiiiit, I don't know that's why I asked you!" i said with a giggle. We busted out laughing.

" ready to go?" he asked. I kinda was but not really because I was having such a great time.

"Yeah. We gotta get up in the morning anyway." I spoke. He grabbed my hand and pulled me up.

"Thank you." I mumbled.

"You're welcome." he said back while we both walked hand in hand to his truck.

All in all, I must say tonight was a great night.


We finally arrived at my door.

"I had a great time Ariel. We really need to do this again." Michael said.

"We do.." I spoke with a little bit of nervousness.

Awkward silence........I hate this.

Michael slowly leaned in and gave me a small peck on the lips before saying goodbye and strutting away. I stood there for a second comprehending what just happened. When I gained my composure, I unlocked my door and walked into my apartment.

Tomorrow will be amazing.

---------------------------------9:00 AM-------

I walked into Krispy Kreme ready to get my usual coffee and donut holes. I walked up to the counter.

"Welcome to Krispy Kreme! What would you like today?" One of the workers spoke.

She was very beautiful. She was Caucasian with big,long,and brown curls in her hair and she had big hazel eyes. She wasn't skinny, but she was thick in all the right places.

"Hi! I'd like one black coffee and some donut holes please?" I said.

"Comin' right up!" she said with joy. She seemed like a pretty cool girl so I started a conversation with her.

"So what's your favorite donut? I asked.

"I LOVE the pumpkin spice! I just can't get enough." She said with wide eyes and a big smile.

"So do you go to college or anything? I asked.

" Yea I go to UCLA." she said.

"Oh really? I do too! we should hang! I told her.

" We should!" She said while handing me my coffee and donuts." Hey! come back after your last class ends and maybe we could go do something! I know some really good places around here!" she said with excitement.

" I will! and by the way, my name is Ariel." I told.

"Nice to meet ya Ariel, I'm Payton. See ya later!" Payton said as I walked out the door.

Looks like I found a new friend.

Sorry for the late update, and if this sucks I'm sorry for that too. Payton is a new character to the story hope you like her.This is for you _Tommoclifford_

--Love Ashley😘❤

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