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Michaels POV...

"Wow..." I was seriously speechless. she just looked amazing.

"You look amazing ariel..." I said while slowly gaining my composure back. This is gonna be hard...

"Thank you.... I could say the same about you, but that would be an understatement.." Ariel spoke. I blushed.Ugh! she knows exactly what she's doing to me.

"Thank you..." I mumbled.

And then the awkward silence began.
We just stood there..staring at each other trying to find the words to say.

Finally we made eye contact. Her eyes are beautiful.

Ariel's POV...

Michael looked amazing today. I mean...i have no words to describe how sexually attracted I am to him right now.

I finally made eye contact with him. I never took the time to look at his eyes like this... but now that I'm looking, his eyes are very beautiful. Big and brown just burning through my soul.

Michaels POV...

I can't take this...!

I slowly start to lean in. To my surprise, she mimicked my actions. And before we knew it, we'd kissed. I wasn't expecting that though. I thought that she might've notice what was gonna happen, and smush my face or something.

But this is better..
This is amazing...
Her lips are so soft...

She pulled back, and I slightly fell forward alittle. I caught my self though.

"Ummmm....'" I wiped my mouth.Damn. "You ready?" I spoke.

"Yea. Ready as i'll ever be." she said while slowly catching her breathe.

I held my arm out at an angle so she could hook hers under, and I led her to the elevator.

Tonight.... is gonna be a great night.


Sorry that its so short! I just wanted to give you alittle something. hope you enjoyed it!


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