A Nervous Wreck

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Michaels POV..

Not even gonna lie,when areil told me she wanted me to go on a double date with her, I was shocked. The first thing I was thinking was that I had been waiting on this moment for too long. And then I thought, who in the hell are we going on a double date with? But who cares? I get to go on another date with an amazing woman...
What could be better than that?
So here I am in my bathroom getting myself right for this date. I decided I would wear my red tuxedo with a black undershirt and slim red tie. For once, I decided to let my hair down. Just for tonight.

I feel so....nervous..

Why? I have no clue.

I looked at myself in the mirror.

" I look good. I look great.. Deep breathe... THE FUCK AM I SO NERVOUS FOOOR!!" I screamed while slamming my hand on the sink.

I decided the best thing for me right now was to just walk out, get some fresh air and be on my way.
And that's just what I did.
Ariel's POV..

Me,Payton,and Harry were already at the restaurant waiting. I wonder if everything is okay with Michael. Did he bail out on me?

" I think that maybe we should go find a table and sit down. If Michael doesn't ma-" Harry said until being interrupted.

"I'm here. You look gorgeous Ariel." He spoke with a smile while giving me a hug followed by a kiss on the cheek.

" Thank you. You don't look too bad yourself." I mumbled. I watched as he smiled and placed his hands in his pockets while continuing to speak.

" Well you guys wanna find a table?" He said while gently grabbing my hand. I must admit I blushed a little.

"Yea,lets do that." Payton said with a smirk while grabbing Harry's hand.
This is gonna be a night to remember..

Sorry for the wait! Here's an update!
Love Ashley😘❤

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