Too Foolish

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Michael's POV

Sometimes I feel kinda bad for the way I treat Ariel..shit, I feel bad for the way I treat some people in general.But there's just something about her and I don't know what it is. I can't tell if it's her humor, or simply the fact that she's absolutely stunning. Her vibe is amazing! And I have to say i'm feeling her a WHOLE lot more then Tori. Tori......what exactly do I see in her? Well....she's pretty, and the sex is good...

"Hey girls mind if we join you?" I said.

As I said that, Ariel looked at me as if though in her mind she was mentally cursing me out. I can understand why though. She has every right to hate me.

"Baby,baby, don't have to ask!You sit where you wanna sit boo."
Tori said to me.

That's one of the things I hate so much about her. She always puts me on this pedistool like I'm so much better than everyone. Nigga! I'm a normal human being like everyone else here.😒

"You know what, you can have this seat, I was just about to leave anyway.." Ariel said. She looks so angry. Gosh, don't leave! stay so I can stare at your beautiful face.....Ok , that's kinda weird I must admit.

"Good. I didn't want you here anyway.." I said.

There I go again being foolish as hell. This really has to stop. I keep saying how much I like her and wanna talk to her, but i keep driving her away. You know what, I think today will be the day I put an end to this...

"Hey Ariel! Wait up!....."


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