Loosen Up

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Ariel's POV

"So where exactly are we going? You're not kidnapping me are you?!" I said.

I started to panic. Maybe this guy is some weird psycho who kidnaps women for his own sexual gain....... Holy Shit!!i just freaked myself out.
I think I feel a panic attack coming on...

"Girl, chill! I'm taking you somewhere...I can't tell you where EXACTLY..just know its a secret." Michael said.

Okay he just confirmed my suspicions! I gotta get outta here but first I gotta figure out my escape plan..

"Hellooooo? You still there? We're here! This is where I wanted to take you."he said

I finally looked up, after having my head down for a billion years, and saw that we were at a diner.

"Nigga!!!! Do you know what was going through my head these past few minutes? You could've at least given me hint..." I said to Michael. Only god knows how messed up in the head I was for a few moments..

"Just come on here girl!"he said.

I followed his lead. Maybe he wasn't as bad as I thought he was. Maybe I do just need to chill..

"loosen up a bit will ya? I won't bite unless you want me to.." He seductively teased.
That glimmer in his eye though.... That's gonna be the death of me..

Michaels POV

We finally arrived at the diner and I swear it felt like forever since i've been here. I always came here when I was upset or just needed to relax. I felt that if maybe I brought her here maybe she could see the way I feel about her. Yeah I know... who says that after all the shit that's went down and when they have a spouse...? Me. I'm just special like that. But anyways...

We walked into the diner and found where we wanted to sit. Ariel decided she was gonna sit in front of me..I won't sweat it...

"So tell me....why do you act the way you do? Is it because you have a reputation to keep, or is it your hoeing ass of a girlfriend, what is it?" She asked me.

Damn.. that was a bit harsh, but its nothing compared to the way I treated her, so I understand where she's coming from.

"It's all really complicated...." I told her. Which is the truth. My life IS really complicated..

"Well honey, I got time."

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