Back To The Basics

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👆I thought this was funny as hell, so I had to share it with you.😭😂👆

Michael's POV...

Back to college life.

I made my way into school, honestly not ready for the bullshit that comes with it. I walked down the hallway. As usual, I was getting different glances from different people. But I didn't really care, I just focused on where I had to go at that moment.


I heard my name being yelled,so I turned around to see where it came from. Once I figured out who it was, I rolled my eyes and proceeded to where I was going. I have no time for this least not this early in the morning. I was about to walk into the cafeteria before I felt myself being pulled back out.

"Whaaaat?!" I screeched, finally turning around to face Tori's trash ass. She raised an eyebrow at me.

"Who are you talking to? I just wanted to see how you were doing.."she said while slowly popping her gum. I stared down at mouth, wishing she would stop.

"I'm fine. Bye." I spoke while hurriedly turning to go into the cafeteria. Once more I was pulled back. I exhaled.

"What. Do. You. Want." I asked getting more and more annoyed as I stood in her presence.

"I know you still love me baby, we can fix things." She said withe a sad pout. I stood there, my mouth agape and eyes widened. She can't be serious.

"You're not serious are you?" I spoke, slowly beginning to laugh. She stood there with a blank face trying to figure me out. I turned around, laughing, and walked into the cafeteria to meet my squad there. I saw my queen and instantly, I walked up to her and gave her the most delicious kiss I could muster up. I watched as her eyes rolled back...I was savoring the moment,while also savoring the taste of her lips. I released her and sat down at the table, leaving her standing there to recuperate. Once she did ,she sat down beside me and grabbed my hand.

"What's good Mike?" Diesel screamed while giving me a bro hug and dapping me up. He walked over in front of me sitting down next to Vee, giving her the same treatment I gave my love.

"Man this, breakfast is the bomb today!" Vinny screeched while taking a few bites of his French toast. We all shuttered watching him scarf down his food, yet managing to get not one drop on his jersey.

"Nigga slow down, it's not going anywhere.." Levi spoke, slowly eyeing Payton as she walked through the doors.

I swear that boy is head over heels for her.😍


Levi's POV...

When I saw Payton walking through those double doors, I couldn't help but watch her. She just looked so good in that outfit. She had her pretty curls in a neat,slicked back pony tail, a thin,tan button down tucked in black skinny jeans, and tan sandals...she just looked so good.

She caught me staring at her and held up her middle finger.I laughed.

That girl is something.

She began to make her way over to our table and sat down in the only spot to me.

"Hey beautiful." I spoke seductivly while leaning in,staring into her eyes. She adjusted her glasses.

"Boy, if you don't back up.." She spoke sassily while holding her finger up in front of my face. I laughed. What is this girl doing to me..
I reached on her plater and stole one of her apple slices, and soon after feeling her hand strike me on the back of the head. She laughed.

"Ow..." I mumbled.


Ariel's POV...

I was so happy to be back home and with my friends. We had all became so much tighter over the course of the break, and now were just one big crazy family. It's about to be a new year, new people...

New bullshit.

Soooooooo...Once I hit chapter 70,I'm gonna go ahead and start the sequel. WHOOP!WHOOP!🙌
I feel like its long overdue so stay tuned, cause it's ending soon.
Series 2 coming up👆
----Love Ashley😘❤️

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