Chapter 4: The Truth Comes Out

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//Jeremys P.O.V//

Pain was shooting through my body. Mike wouldnt let go of my wrists. The squeeze was getting harder and making some of my fresh scars bleed. "I-I tell you!" I sluttered loudly. "Good. Now, tell me." Mikes eyes narrowed at me, sharply. 'I wish he wasnt this aggressive.' I sighed, ready to let it out.

"O-Ok, Mr. S-Schmidt, I am suffering f-from d-d-depression. I c-cut myself be-because my dad abusives m-me. When i co-come home, he would s-slap me and beat me u-up. He was a-always d-d-drunk. He started this about 8 y-years ago, w-when i was 10. D-During the t-time my mother d-died and left me a-alone in this w-world. He t-tells me to go k-kill myself, which i n-nearly did once. T-To release s-sorrow, i cut myself a-at least o-once a w-w-week, on b-both arms. I am s-sorry Mr. S-Schmidt. Y-You dont need t-to worry a-about me. I do d-deserve this. I am a w-wimp, worth-worthless, stupid, u-ugly, crap in this w-world." I felt like crying. I just wanted to die right here, right now.

//Mikes P.O.V//

'Why would this kid hurt himself. He is so sweet, calm, gentle, beautiful, and so innocent. [Mikes pervertness ♥] I cant believe his father would say such a thing! Why!? I feel so bad for him. Having to suffer for 8 years! I am going to make sure his father doesnt lay another finger on him!' I looked over to Jeremy, who was sobbing and crying like crazy. I dont blame him, this must be his first time telling someone this.

Jeremy was trembling, sobbing, whining, and covering his face from me. I couldnt help it. I walked over to him and hugged him. Jeremy hugged back, sobbing on my chest. I padded his back, trying to calm him down. 'I still cant believe he has suffered for 8 years!'

We were interrupted by the 12:00 chine. Our shift has began. "Hey Jeremy, held your head high. We will survive this night and you are saying with me. We will take you to your fathers house, so you could get your stuff. I will take you home with me. I have a guess bedroom. Ok?" "O-Ok," Jeremy replied.

**Time Skippy**

//Mikes P.O.V//

I headed toward my car, with Jeremy holding my arm. I looked down on him, Jeremy looked up, and when our eyes contated each other, Jeremy blushed dark red. 'My god Jeremy blushes alot.'

I walked to the drivers side, as Jeremy walked to the passenger side by me. I started the car and headed out of the parking lot. "Hey, Jeremy, where do you live?" "On 3000 T-TimberCreek drive." "Isnt it a apartment complex?" I questioned. "Yes sir, Mr. S-Schmidt," Jeremy answered back. "You dont have to call me sir, or Mr. Schmidt, just call me Mike, k?" "K."

When i reached to the apartment complex, Jeremy said he wanted to go alone. I understood. It would be weird being around a drunk man that you dont know personally.

I watched Jeremy enter the apartment complex. I waited for his return.

//Jeremys P.O.V/

I entered the apartment complex and came up to my fathers apartment. I opened the door slowly, not knowing that my father was awake. I walked in and about to make my way upstairs but i was stopped by my fathers voice. "WHAT YOU DOING *hic* HERE BOY!!?" I froze in horror. I dashed upstairs, having my father chase me. I reached my room but i wasnt fast enough to lock the door. Instead my father dashed in front of me.

"WHAT ARE YOU *hic* THINKING, THINKING YOU COULD RUN *hic* AWAY FROM ME, YOU ASS!!" I wimpered and stared at his eyes. He came up to me and kicked me on the head. He kicked so hard, that my head was ringing. I yelped in pain. 'Oh god, help me please!' Father came closer to me and picked me up by the neck. Tears were running down my soft skin.

"WHY YOU *hic* CRYING!? DAMN, I CANT BELIEVE YOUR MOTHER *hic* GAVE BIRTH TO YOU!!!" His hands started to squeeze my neck harshly. I was being chocked to death. My head was getting numb and my eye sight was getting blurry. All of a sudden, he dropped me. I fell on the floor hard on my side, gasping for air. "SO WORTHLESS!!"  I looked up and my father was gone. 'He left...' I got up and started getting clothes, mangas, money, or anything important that i will need. I putted them all in a plastic bag and hurried downstairs. My father was watching tv. I opened the door and yelled, "I am not coming back!" "Fine with me *hic* asshole." I tooked off running towards Mike when i got out of the apartment complex. He then turned on his car engine and took of driving to his place when i entered his car.

He saw that i was crying. "Whats wrong?" "J-Just my father, dont w-w-worry about it." "Ok."

After 4 minutes, we made it to Mikes house. "Time to get in Jeremy." I nodded my head and followed Mike in the house. His house was pretty big, with a upstairs too. 'Wow...' A random women walked over to Mike and hugged him. She shot a harsh glance at me. "Whos this?" She questioned. "Oh, this is Jeremy. Jeremy, meet my girlfriend Doll, Doll meet Jeremy." I reached my hand put for a hand shake but she harshly slapped it. I was shocked by this action, so i took a step back from her. My hair started covering my eyes.

"Doll! Wtf!?" Mike yelled. "Im just, not use to see strangers going my house. Why is he here?" Doll scorned. "Im sorry Jeremy, about this. Why dont you go put your stuff in the guess bedroom. Its upstairs to the left. Ok?" "Its f-fine. I'll g-go," i answered. I walked to the staircase but i began to ear drop.

"Oh great, he fucking slutters. Wtf Mike. Why would you bring him here. And why is he saying here too!?" Doll yelled. "Doll listen, this kid had a hard life. He has no where to go. He cant help sluttering, its a habit. And he is my new job partner," Mike calmly answered. "So he is the one that switched your schedule! I miss your warmth!" [Shhh.. dont think wrong] "Im sorry Doll, he is staying here and this is it!" Mike yelled. "Fine."

I quietly went upstairs, and in the guest bedroom. The room was well sized, and it is perfect for me. I laided my stuff on the bed and started to remove the things that were in my plastic bag. I heard two footsteps coming upstairs.

Doll peered over the corner of the doorway, she had a harsh face. She then turned walked to her bedroom. Mike was behind her. Mike walked in my room and questioned, "You like it?" I nodded my head. "I l-love it!" A smile came to my face.

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