Chapter 87: Gum, Penīs Cookie, and Worms [Funny Chapter]

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// Mikes P.O.V //

'I want a kiss. Just one, plain simple kiss on my lips. But, it will only happen on Jere, but how? This will be challenging shit for me. Fuck!'

I grunt loudly from the thoughts in my mind, crossing my arms in front of my chest as wondered around in the kitchen, lost in my preverted mind. Honestly, i havent kissed Jeremy for awhile now, and my lips are craving it but i know Jeremy wont give it to me that easily. That boy is one of a kind, a teaseing child, that wonders around this house in plain sight, not giving the slightest damn about the evil plan that rests in my mind. But, in my great hands, i knew that i have to tickle the laughter out of the boys mouth.

(A/N: If your fucking confused, im here to help! Mike hasnt received a kiss from Jeremy for a while now and he is craving it. But, he knows that Jeremy wouldnt give it to him easily and the only chance of getting his kiss is to make Jere laugh. Keep reading, you'll understand more my senpias~ :3 )

I smirked evilly, walking up behind Jeremy, who was doing choirs around the house. Right this moment, the nightwatch is picking up things off the floor, either throwing it away or placing it back in its proper place. Casting my body shadow over the younger males body, caught Jeremy in a surprise, knowing that somewhat something is behind him.

Jeremy, jumping behind, turned around and looked up my blue eyes, staring in curiosity. A weak smile formed on my face from the younger males innocence showing off but quickly dissappeared when Jeremy leaned his body weight on one leg, pouting in a sassy way. Crossing his arms, Jeremy grunted softly under his breath, rolling his eyes from the sight of me.

I sighed, "So Jeremy, close your eyes. I got a surprise for you~"

The weak smile on my face quickly formed into an evil smirk, waiting for Jeremy to follow my order. But, in short lucks notice, Jeremy only rolled his eyes once more, sighing out deeply in front of me.

"I k-know what your d-doing M-Mike, its not g-gonna work! You t-thought that i close m-my fucking e-eyes, you'll sneak a k-kiss on my lips! W-Well, guess what? Im not that f-fucking stupid M-Mike! R-Remember the conversation w-we had y-yesterday? The one a-about you have to make me l-laugh in order to get the k-kiss you having been w-wanting lately? Well, i s-still remember and that c-conversation is still in m-my mind so your little, d-dirty tricks will not w-work on m-me, understand?" Jeremy smirked, raising an eyebrow, waiting for my answer to fly out of my mouth.

I sighed once more but quickly nodded my head. "Lets have the games begin~" I cooed, rubbing my hands together evilly, thinking up plans that will make Jeremy laugh his fucking head off.

// No P.O.V // [3rd P.O.V]

Try 1: Gum up the nose

For first chance of Mike trying to make Jeremy laugh, knew this wouldnt be too easy. Usually, Jeremy would be the hilarious one, depending how the dweeb would mess up and whine about it, grabbing Mikes attention; but in other words, this will be quite challenging for the older male.

One, stupid idea came across Mike, making myself bounce in excitment as he quickly pulled out a peice of unchewed gum. Quickly shoving the chewable, eatable pink rectangular gum in his mouth, the younger male slowly creeped up into the kitchen, where the security guard was planning his plan.

'Oh fuck, Mike is planning something, i can see in his little beatey eyes' Jeremy thought, gulping down his throat in worriness.

As Jeremy watched the secne, Micheal quickly removed the chewed gum from in his mouth and sticking up his nose, smirking. As Mike watched Jeremys reaction, the only emotion was nothing else but the face of weirdness; yet completely emotionless.

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