Chapter 60: The Baby is Born! Proposal?

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// Mikes P.O.V //

I walked back and forth around the inside of the Pizzeria, making sure that the little bugs [kids] dont do anything stupid around here. Before, i had to rescue a kid that sunk too far in the ball pit, making me dive in the colorful balls of fucking rainbows. How fun.

And once, a kid stuck his hand inside of Balloon Boys mouth, touching the endoskeleton inside. To prevent blood and a crying kid, i literally punched Balloon Boy in the face, sending him to the other side of the Pizzeria. This scared lots of people but at least i just fucking saved a kids hand; which could have been cut off by the endoskeleton.

I was just minding my own business, making sure the fucking turtles [kids again] dont do shit. I stood there, watching the kids, until a big hand laid on my shoulder, making me turn around in surprise. The big hand belonged to Boss, who didnt look so happy. Trying to stay calm, cause when Boss isnt happy, he can kill some shit, i placed a smile on my face, trying to forget Boss's frown.

But Boss only sighed, making me lose the smile and look at him in confusion. "Whats wrong Boss?" I asked, feeling quite worried during this moment. "Schmidt, i have a phone call on hold for you. Its very important, so follow me into my office," Boss grunted, pushing me towards his office room.

Once i stepped into his office room, i walked up to Boss's desk, having a phone lay there upside down. My turned my head back to Boss, but Boss only stared at me, making sure that i answer the phone call.

I gulped, picking the phone up in my hands, bring it up to my ear. "Schmidt speaking," i simply answered through the phone. A young womans voice was heard on the other side of the phone line, which sounded very familiar. I realized that the voice belonged to Skylox, the young lady that worked at the front desk in the hospital. This really scared me now.

"Oh! Hello Mr. Schmidt, your husband has been reported into the hospital by a purple friend? Vinert?" Skylox questioned. "Vincent, he is a purple ass," i simply answered for Skylox.

"Oh! Thank you," Skylox continued, starting to have a worry tone in her voice, "Jeremy Schmidt came to the hospital, currently he is in labor; which he is going into surgery right now."

"Wait! What do you mean?" I asked, twirling the phone cord in my fingers. My face was dripping in sweat, feeling my hands begin to shake.

Skylox sighed, answering my badass question, "Here, to make it simple, Jeremy is giving birth to the baby now. And, without your purple ass, he wouldn't make it to the hospital and he could internally bleed and.... die if he was alone in the house. So thank that purple ass of yours."

"Thank you," i simply, and politely, thanked Skylox before hanging the office phone up. A smile creeked onto my face, making me jump everywhere in excitment. Boss just watched me jump with my hands in the air, just having a grumpy face and his arms crossed in front of his chest.

"Schmidt, go to the hospital or meet my fist," groaned Boss, getting annoyed by my actions. I quickly nodded my head, smiling in great glee in this world.

Quickly, i rushed out of Boss's office, grabbing my coat, running towards the door with a excited smile on my face. Before making it to the exit doors, two young females walked in the Pizzeria, having their eyes scan the surroundings. Realizing, the two ladies were Kenzie and Alice, looking around the Pizzeria.

I quickly ran up to them, seeing greeting smiles on their faces. "Kenzie! Alice! What are you guys doing here?" I questioned, breathly heavily from all of the running.

"Just wanted to see you," Kenzie simply answered, giggling along with Alice. I narrowed my eyebrows, getting my breaths back to normal. "Kenzie, Alice, i got to go to the hospital! Jeremy is in labor cause of baby!" I screeched, trying shove between the two ladies who blocked the exit doors.

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