Chapter 22: 7 Minutes in Heaven ♡

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// Jeremys P.O.V //

I woke up in a massive headache, my head beaping in pain. "M-Mike?" I moaned. I nudged Mike on the shoulder. I was somehow asleep on Mikes lap, and Mike was snoring like a elephant. So loud....

I nudged Mike again, only having Mike mumble under his breath. I leaned in his left ear, about to scream my hair off. "M-MIKE!" I yelled in his left ear. Mike opened one eye and pushed me off the couch harshly, hitting the floor tiles.

"Jeremy, you were drunk last night. You kept me up all night by your stupid screaming. I wanted to tape your tiny ass mouth up, but i decided to be nice. So leave me alone please," cursed Mike.

I was shooken by Mikes words. Drunk? I was surprised, but i didnt pay much attention.

My phone soon started to buzz, receiving texts from a number. I quickly checked who was texting me, and it was Fritz.


( Jeremys Phone )

Fritz: Sup dude! I wanna ask if you can let me and Vincent hang at your place today. Scott is very busy and he doesnt want us at his house. So, it is ok?

Jeremy: Its fine, you can come anytime. Me and Mike have nothing to do today.

Fritz: Thx bro, i will come in 30 minutes.

Jeremy: Ok.


I putted my phone up and look at the time. It was 10:45 a.m.  I walked towards Mike, nudging harder, but this time in his chest. Mike growled and opened his eyes. "What Jeremy!? Can you see im sleeping!" I took a step back, shocked how angry Mike is, which caused me not think straight.

"F-F-Fritz and V-Vincent are c-coming over in 30 m-minutes, please get r-ready," i asked politely. Mike grumbled and nodded his head slowly. I could tell that he is one angry cookie.

^^Time Skip for 31 minutes^^ ((Fuck the 1 extra minute)) >:D

// Mikes P.O.V //

Someone knocked the front door, repeating. "Im coming asshole!" I yelled, making my way to the door. "M-Mike be n-nice!!" screamed tensed Jeremy. Jeremy was sitting on the couch, reading his manga shit.

I mumbled a curse word and continued heading towards the door. The knocking wouldnt stop, which pissed the fuck out of me. Fuck!!!

When i opened the damn door, Fritz appeared in front of me, only having Vincent a couple of feet away from him, tapping inpatiently. "Ever heard of knocking once?" I growled at Fritz. Fritz narrowed eyes, his arms crossed, and raspberry at me.

I leaded the two into the living room, where Jeremy was reading his dorky books. "So, what are we going to do?" Vincent asked. "Well, you are the ones who came," i answered back. "Doesnt mean we have plans to do shit!" growled Vincent. "G-Guys, no f-fighting!" screamed Jeremy. "Shut your sluttering," i growled ferocious at Jeremy. I could tell Jeremy was tensed by this action.

"Mike, dont be mean to Jeremy, you know he hates seeing people fight," Fritz interrupted. I shot my death glare at Fritz, and Fritz responded by raspberrying at me. ((Raspberry means sticking tongue out, if you didnt know))

Mike turned his head, looking at Jeremy with worried eyes. "Im sorry Jeremy, didnt mean it," i apologized. "Its f-fine. I k-know i am very a-annoying by my s-sluttering. But i c-cant break it, even tho i t-try so h-hard."

Sometimes, i feel bad for Jeremy. He is suffering from sluttering and he cant help it. He told me before that he had it all his life. His mother thought it was cute and he would break it, but she was wrong before she died. His father nevered give a living care about Jeremy. Poor angel...

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