Chapter 7: Fun and Death?

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//Jeremys P.O.V//

After visiting Scotts house and getting sexually touched by a purple weirdo, i think this day was fun. Mike decided to take me to Manga Nerds, the store that i loved so much. He also said that i needed more clothes, so i agreed with him.

After driving to Manga Nerds, i exited the car with Mike. As we entered the store, Mikes expression changed. "I will never understand this store and its ways." I giggled in response. I started walking, heading to the direction for some more yoai mangas. After strolling around, i found a couple of books that i wanted, but Mike didnt. He said that if he reads them, his brain will explore. Man, Mike makes funny jokes.

I headed towards the cashier, it was a employee instead of the owner. 'I guess the employee isnt sick anymore.' I walked up to the cashier desk and dropped 6 yoai mangas. Mike was behind me, trying to ignore the crazyness in this store.

"$26.34 sir," the cashier mumbled. I nodded my head and reached for my pockets. 'No money? Oh no, i must have let it at Scotts place!?!" Mike looked at me weirdly, knowing something was wrong. I hung my head down, feeling stupid of not having the money. "Something wrong Jere?" "I c-cant find the m-money." The cashier began to tap his fingers on the cashier desk, waiting impatiently. Mikes eyes widened. "Sir, please exit the building if you dont have money. Your wasting my time. I have better things to do here then wait all day for your lazy ass," the employee commented rudely. "Im s-sorry." "Hey! That was rude. Dont ever talk to customers like that," Mike growled. "Sorry jackass, leave before i call security," the cashier growled back. "Fine!"

Mike grabbed my arm, causing me to blush and exited the building. "M-Mike?" "Sorry, i couldnt stand that fucker." Mike sighed, "Lets go, lets get some clothes for you." Mike and I walked in the car and took off driving.

# Time Skip # Sorry

Mike and I finally made it to the mall. When we approached, Mike sighed, "Jeremy, go find clothes that you like. I will meet you at the Cafe, called Garys Sandwhichs, heres $20, go have fun." Mike patted my back. "T-Thanks." I smiled and took off looking for clothes that are my size.

//Mikes P.O.V//

When Jeremy left to look for clothes, i started to have some fun. [Dont think wrong] I walked to a womans store, called Tasys Outfits, and explored the insides. [Dont think wrong again] I walked through selves of tops, dress, and skirts. My fun "plan" was to buy a sexy outfit for Jeremy and made him wear it for a day. [here is preverted Mike] I soon came across a black skirt, it was so short that if Jeremy bent down, you could see what you wanna see. [*Nosebleeds* Fucking Mikes Prevertness] I grabbed the skirt and headed towards the women tops. I texted Jeremy.



Mike: What size are you?

Jeremy: Adult Small

Mike: Thx >:)

Jeremy: ?


I grinned very widely, women around me started giving me weird glances. I fucking ignored them. Bitchs should fuck themselves.

I looked for the right size and the right shirt that will match Jeremy and this skirt. I finally soon found the right top. It was a sexy tank top. It was white with black spots all over it. I couldnt believe i was doing this! ♡

I ran over to the cashier and it was totally $35.12. 'So expensive!'

After the purchase, i ran to the Cafe, hoping Jeremy didnt finish before me. I guess he didnt because i couldnt find him anywhere in Cafe. To relax myself and to calm my excitement, i pulled out a chapter book and began reading it. Like a normal fucking person!

//Jeremys P.O.V//

After i purchased a couple of cheap t-shirts, that was only $17.49, i started to head towards the Cafe. When i reached there, i saw Mike there, reading a book. 'Man, so hot..... WTF!!!' I walked over to Mike, who places his book down and looks at me, smiled. I smiled back. 'I think i starting to like Mike.' He picked up his purchases and i picked up mine and headed towards his car.


= Time Skip = Sorry Author is Lazy

//Jeremys P.O.V//

We finally reached Mikes house. When we got inside and placed out bags on the countertops, Mike search desperately for Doll. Mike checked everywhere and he still couldnt find her. Mike started to panick, not knowing where his baby went.

"M-Mike, calm d-down. She will b-be f-fine. Trust m-me," i said, trying to calm him down. Mike started to calm down and relax a bit. I was glad to be there with him, to help him when he needs help.

I walked toward the countertops, "Hey M-Mike, can i t-take your bag to y-you closet?" For a second of silence, Mike replied, "Sure." I nodded.

When i went up the stairs, and went in Mikes room, i noticed a picture of Mike and Doll, together, smashed on a floor. 'Must have dropped it, i guess?'

I got closer to the closet and turned the knobbed. When i opened it, i couldnt believe my eyes....

Doll was there, hanging from a rope around her neck. 'She hanged herself! Why!?' Tears started to roll down my cheeks. I tembled in fear desperately. I couldnt control myself. "MIKE!!!" I screamed.

Mike rushed upstairs and headed into the closet. He stood beside me, shocked. I soon looked up, seeing tears roll down his beautiful face. I went and call 911. All Mike did was stand here, staring at Dolls dead body...


CLIFF HANGER!!! >:D *laughs evil*


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