Chapter 55: SPIDERJEREMY! [spiderman]

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// Jeremys P.O.V. //

It has been a week since Vincents stupid punishment, making give Mike a fucking blowjob; which i "kinda" hated it. Today is going to be a easy day for me, just for me go do airins around the neighborhood. All i needed to do is to go buy more dog food, cat food, bread, and i might go shopping for little things for myself. I have broughten about $160 to the store, spending it out of my wallet. I also wanted to buy alittle bit of baby items for the baby, since he or she is growing pretty quick. Mike went to Vincents place with Scott, who knows what they are doing there.

I opened the store door, stepping in with a list in my hands. After searching awhile throughout the store, i found nothing but a bag of fresh bread. The store selves were filled with food and items, ready to be sold to a fucking costumer, like me. I did searched through the baby apartment but i soon remembered that Mike and I dont know the gender of the baby yet, not knowing what to buy for the little muffin.

Walking down the selves full of shit, i started to feel sick and pain in my belly, making myself grip onto it. Lucky, there wasnt very much people there so i didnt have to hide myself feeling sick. I tried to ignored the sickness inside of me but it got stronger by the minute, making me unable to stand it. I quickly speed walked (Jeremy is too innocent to run through stores) towards the back of the store, where the restrooms were usally are.

Approaching the male restroom, i quickly slammed into the restroom door by my back, making myself to have a boost towards the stalls. Before entering a empty stall, i made sure that no one else was here to here me throw up or anything else like that. I just didnt want them to feel uncomforable or feel worried for me.

As my eyes glaced the male restoom, i found no one else with me, only myself. I stomped through the restroom stall, bending over the *coughs*, throwing up. 'Damn you baby...' i thought, feeling the pain in my belly ease abit. After throwing up, i plopped myself on the restroom floor, still in the same stall, trying to relax and ease my muscles a bit. I wait til the pain to clam down enough for me to be able to stand and walk on my own.

Standing up on my little, stumbe feet once again, i heard the male restroom door creek open, having a stranger walk in the restroom. I was afriad who the unknown person was so i just hide in the stall, calming my breathing down enough so no one can hear me. My back pressed on the back of the stall wall, hearing my heart pound in my head.

I peeked through the crack of the stall, between the wall and the stall wall. Stepping closer, my heart start to pound faster and faster, to frightened in able to calm down. As my face got close enough for me to peek clearly through, my green eyes widened in extreme shock, quickly stepping back to the stall wall behind me. Sweat dripped down my face, feeling it fall onto my hands that were placed on my heart, trying to calm it down.

Silently, i took deep breaths, trying to gather my thoughts inside my mind and trying to relax myself. After a couple of breathers, my thoughts gathered together, putting the unknown peices together. And when they matched, i realized the unknown stranger was....


my father


My father walked up to the restroom sink, turning the knob that letted cold water to flow out. I peeked my eyes through the hole again, just watching his every movement, making sure that he doesnt get anywhere close to me. I just him wash his hands in the sink, drying them off with a peice of a paper towel. My father streched, making me flinch badly in the stall. I flinched so badly, i acendentally knocked down a roll of toliet paper, rolling out of my stall and towards my fathers feet.

I covered my mouth, trying not to scream or make a noise out of my mouth as I heard my father grunt in confusion. Father picked the roll of toliet paper in his hands, tossing it in the air. I slowly got closer to the creak again, peeping out of the hole, making sure my father wasnt cursious in walking in my stall; but i was wrong....

My father started walking towards my stall, smirking like a fucking idoiot. His left hand formed into a fist as his right hand was tossing the toliet paper roll in his hands, stepping closer and closer towards my stall. My eyes widened, panicking and freezing in the stall in worriness.

I couldnt help it but hide, but where?

I scanned my eyes around the stall, only having a couple of seconds before my father stomps inside of my stall. Then it hit me! I looked up at the stall wall, starting to jump and grab the stall wall. A stall wall doesnt cover all the way to the ceiling; it stops about half a foot before hitting the roof, which was enough space for me to fit between.

My hands grabbed the walls, lifting my feathered [light] weight up to the top of the stall wall. I quickly slide my body in between the two empty stalls, which i had a perfect veiw in seeing my father rushing towards the stall.

"I know someone is fucking in their you motherfucker!" my father yelled, slamming the door open, showing nothing but a stall wall. There was not a little soul in the stall, but there was one on top of the stall.

I felt like... SPIDERMAN!

My fathers eyes widened in shock, seeing no one in the stall. He didnt even bother looking up, not knowing that i was only on top of him, stalking him from above. My father only groaned, slamming the stall door shut, stomping his feet out of the restrooms. I sighed in relief, feeling myself relax in enjoyment. Man, i was petrified!

I was still breathing shakey breaths but after that, i knew that i was safe again. If i tell Mike this, he wouldnt let me be outside, on the front yard, by myself. He wouldnt even left me go from his sight after hearing this so... This will be my dirty little secret!


*SHOTS FIRED!!!!!!!!!!*





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