Chapter 24: Halloween Party

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(A/N : The name Chouko and Izumi are by @Insane_Shadow! Names Utaukushi-sa and Ai are by @FanFicgirl33) Thank you for the names! ♥

// Jeremys P.O.V //

It has been a month since Sora has given birth to her 4 kits. One was male and the other three were female. They are the cutest things in the world. But Mike and I have gotten Sora fixed so she wouldnt have anymore kits cause our experience of these kittens were shocking.

They would climb on the curtains, scratch on our legs, meow the shit out of us, shed fur, and crap everywhere. We were still trying to teach them to use the litter box, but the work is still in progess.

Mike has named a beautiful pure white female kitten Utaukushi-sa, which means 'beauty' in Japanese. She was the most prettiest from the whole litter, thats what i think. Mike also named a brown female kitten with a white sock Izumi, which in Japanese means 'fountain, spring'.

Of course, i named the other two. I named the a dark gray female Ai, meaning 'love' in Japanese. As for the dark brown and black male is named Chouko, meaning 'butterfly child'.


// Jeremys P.O.V //

It was already Halloween, one of my hated holidays in my life. People dress in scary costumes and scare the crap out of me, which i hate the most. I dont mind the candy, but the costumes are what i hate. Badly.

Fritz, Scott, Mike, Vincent, and I are going trick-or-treating during the night. And the guys wants to spend the night at Mikes place, which is fine by me but, we only have one bed. And we had no extra bed, so this is going to be exciting.

"Jeremy! Are you ready?" Mike yelled across the house. I was in the bathroom, changing into my costume. Mike was dressed as Foxy, of course!

Vincent is not going in a costume cause he is already purple. All he has to do is say that he is a purple spy. Lucky him.

Scott is going as batman, with a annoying cape that hits eveyone in the face everytime he turns or spins. So fucking annoying! Even Mike threatened to cut his cape from his back by a pair of scissors. Now Scott refuses to let Mike to touch him now. How funny...

After all, i think Fritz has the best costume. He is dressed as a bag of potato chips. The best! ♡

"Hurry up Jeremy! Fucker! We dont have all day!" Mike cursed. I rushed out of the bathroom with my costume on, "S-Sorry! F-Forgive me!"

I walked up to the front door with my costume on. I was cosplaying as Salior Moon. Of guess! I fucking love that show! Which Mike calls it Anime crap.

I walked up to the guys, trying to get comfortable in high heels. 'How do girls walk in this shit?' As i approached, i saw shocked faces from the four men in front of me. "W-What?" I questioned. Fritz and Scott were laughing, Mike was giggling, and fucking Vincent was purring. Fucking pervert!

"Well, well, well... Looks like you dont need a plastic bag for candy. You could use your empty bra cups," giggled Mike. I blushed strawberry across my face, deeply. (A/N Bra cups are usually in woman dresses, which pretty much helps to make your boobs big in purpose.) ♥

"Dont be mean to sexy Jeremy~. He looks like a girl anyway without the dress~," cooed Vincent. Mike growled, "I am the only one that can call him sexy, baby, hot, cutie, toy, and other names to begin with, fucker!"

"Guys, chill! Lets go to the wealthy houses for big candy bars before they are all gone, ok?" Scott interrupted. We stared at Scott with cold eyes, then nodded slowly.

As leaving the house, Fritz had to go first as a potato bag, which made a big problem. He couldnt fit there the door....

Mike and Scott tried to shove him out of the doorway. Vincent and i were waiting for Fritz to get unstuck from the doorway. Eventually, Fritz was pushed out of the doorway and we were actually able to go trick-or-treating. It was 7:09 p.m. before we left the house. Let the fun begin.


8:23 p.m.

Fritz, Scott, and Vincent went down the street as Mike and i went up the street, on opposite sides and opposite directions. Which we would get double the candy in one house. We are badass people! XD

Mike and I approached a house, which looked normal, and knocked on the door. Opened by a beautiful women, she gave us candy. "Um, ma'am, do you need a bag?" she asked me. "No ma'am. I have my ways," i replied. Mike giggled by the way she thought that i was a female. "Ok, have fun!"

I walked down the sidewalk peacefully by Mike, still holding the candy in my hands, until someone spooked us. This kid had blood all over himself, screaming like a physco. Which scared the crap out of me!

I screamed like a 8 year old girl and hide behind Mike, terrified. The kid ran off, screaming at other random people. I was still terrified. Mike turned his head towards me, giggling at my terrified face. "Jeremy, your safe. Stop hiding behind," Mike purred at my cuteness. I nodded my head slowly and stepped out from behind Mike. Mike watched me when i did this action.

"S-Sorry," i apologized. Mike laughed, "Its fine. Just put the candy in your bra cups and lets get going." I nodded my head, smiling at Mike, then turned my head down looking at my chest area. I placed the candy in my bra cups, seeing Mike from the corner of my eyes, which Mike smirk.

"I see y-you st-staring M-Mike!" I yelled. Mike blushed a little pink in his cheeks. "You got me."


10:56 p.m.

All five of us headed towards Mikes place, with full of bags of candy that we couldnt carry any longer.

"Hey, Fritz and I will go change out from our costumes," Scott said before leaving me alone with Mike and Vincent. Mike was sorting out the candy from bags, on top of the countertops. Vincent is looking on his phone, which looks like he was texting somebody.

There were silence in the room until it was broken by Mike. "Hey Jere, can you get your candy from out of our bra cups." I nodded and started to shake my dress, having the candy fall through the dress and onto the kitchen floor. Vincent stared at me with i did this, including Mike.

"Dont get some in your underwear!" Mike teased. I raspberry at him harshly. "Chill bro," Mike laughed. 'What an asshole... And i love him!?'

^^Time Skip for 40 minutes^^

It is pretty late at night but i couldn't help myself and yawn over and over again, unstopping. Mike realized that i was tired so he made everybody got to bed. The fun part is that we only have one bed that all five of us have to sleep together in one bed... Arkward Situation...

All five of us were in the bed, and Izumi decided to join the party. I nevered let the dogs sleep with us since you wouldn't know what they would do in the bed. Shocking...

Mike was by the wall, and beside him was me. On my left side was Vincent and by Vincents side was Scott. Fritz was left out, which he was sleeping down on the bottom of the bed, where all of our feet were. Too bad for Fritz.

^^Time Skip at 1:59 a.m.^^ No one loves 2:00 a.m.

I was awoken by a loud thump. I jumped in air, scared from dear life. I swong my head side to side, seeing the other guys sleeping peacefully. 'Seems like i am the only one who heard it.'

I looked down to the bottom of the bed, seeing Fritz missing. After turning and looking for the poor guy, i found him on the floor, underneath the bed. "You ok Fritz? Seems like you fell off the bed," i mumbled, rubbing my tired eyes.

"I feel so loved," whined Fritz.


XD i have nothing else to say...

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