Chapter 56: Gender of the Baby (Special Chapter!)

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The cat in the picture above is my cat, Flowers. And to tell you a secret, she is "Sora" in this fanfiction :D



// Jeremys P.O.V. //

It is early in the morning, around 8:00 a.m., having Mikes car pull up to the baby doctor place, shit i dont know whats it called, in the parking lot. Mike and I were in the car, making our way to see Dr. Goathair and Mrs. NoMistakes in able to see the gender of the baby. They both called in last night, saying that it should be time in able to tell the babys gender, and see how well its doing as well. Of course, Mike and his baby maker stick [member], agreed with the situation, dragging me to the place early in the fucking morning. I wanted to have it has a surprise, not knowing what gender of the little muffin was until the baby was born. But badass Mike disagreed with me; like always.

Pulling up in front of the building in Mikes blue ford mustang, we together walked inside the building, getting ready for the truth to come out. I could tell that Mike was quite excited because he was dragging me, by the arm, quickly into the building, with a huge smile on his face. Man, he looked like a dork. But i cant blame him, the same excitement was coming out of me, out of my heart.

Mike quickly opened the front doors, opening for me, making myself thank him with a smile on my face. Mike only chuckled, following me from behind, closing the doors as i approached the front desk. A young woman, about my height, sat behind the front desk countertop, shuffling through papers and returning phone calls for pervious patients.

She smiled at me, looking up into my green eyes when i stepped in front of her, waiting patiently for her to finish. Mike came up behind me, patting my left shoulder, making me look up into his beautiful blue eyes, smiling with glee. Mike chuckled, having his right hand to play with my poofy, brown hair; teasing me. I raspberry at Mike, shutting my eyes closed.

The woman in front of me, behind the countertop, coughed; grabbing Mikes and my attention towards her. "Hello, I'm Kenna, what may i help you two today?" the woman asked, rubbing her hands together on the table. Mike murmured, "We are both here to see Dr. Goathair and Mrs. NoMistakes. They called us last night about making a apointment today to see them."

Kenna nodded, placing her hands on the laptop keyboard that sat beside her. "Name?" Kenna asked, contuinesly typing on the keyboard. "Jeremy and Mike Schimit," Mike answered, rubbing my shoulders. Kenna mumbled, typing more on the laptop. "Ok sir, just wait in the waiting room. Mrs. NoMistakes will get you in for the apointment," Kenna said, returning her head direction back to us. "T-Thank you ma'am," I stuttered, making my way to the waiting room chairs, having Mike following my trail.

Mike chose a chair behind me, placing his ass on the soft cushion. Before i could choose a chair beside him, Mike quickly grabbed my waist, dragging me over on his lap, softly. As my cute ass touched Mikes lap, my face quickly flushed strawberry, feeling myself sweat nervously. Mike just giggled, wrapping his arms around my waists, resting his chin on my left shoulder. I felt his hot breath on my neck, making me shiver down to my spine.

"Dude, Jeremy relax buddy," Mike giggled, purring into my ear. I gulped, chuckling nervously, trying to relax my muscles that tensed badly because of Mikes actions. The door that accessed the doctor rooms, quickly and roughly, opened; realving Mrs. NoMistakes at the door frame, having a clipboard in her hands. "Schimit?" She called, glancing her eyes around the waiting room. Mike quickly grabbed me, placing me gently back on my feet, having himself stand up.

We both, together holding hands, walked towards Mrs. NoMistakes, who smiled at the sight of us. She opened the door wider, making it wide enough for all three of us to enter together. "Follow me," Mrs. NoMistakes smiled, leading us farther into the back rooms. Following her tracks, she quickly opened door 7 with a pair of keys, hearing a loud creek form from the door. As Mike and I walked in the room, we saw nothing compared of what we saw before in our liftime.

There, stood Dr. Goathair, flipping a doctor table, screaming like a physco. "FUCK THIS SHIT! IT CANT EVEN HOLD THE SIMPLIEST FUCKING SHIT!" Dr. Goathair screamed, kicking the doctor chair that goes with the table. The items that laid on the table, flew everywhere on the floor, having the chair fly in the air, hitting the wall and braking in half. Dr. Goathair breathed heavily, having his hands form into fists. He sounded like a angry gorilla.

Mike and I stood there, frozen in shock; even Mrs. NoMistakes was shocked herself as well. Dr. Goathair's back faced us, making him unknown that all three us were behind them. Dr. Goathair then grabbed his clipboard that laid on the ground, upside down, rising it up to his knee. By a swift action, Dr. Goathair slammed his clipboard onto his rising knee, making it snap in half.

I started to tremble, not knowing that Dr. Goathair can be this aggriessve over the littlest things. He then quickly turned to us, having his angry eyes turn into a shocked pair of frightened, shocked eyes in front of us. I watched him coughed, gulping and sweating nervously in front of us. Mike quickly gripped my hand, making me whimper in pain abit from his strong hands.

"Well! Come in, come in! Sorry about the mess, when things dont work right, doctors just wanna fuck them into peices," Dr. Goathair chuckled nervously, motioning us three to enter the room. I stepped forward first, dragging shocked Mike behind me, who was in quite confusion in his fucking badass brain.

"Please sit down in a chair, a chair that isnt broken," Dr. Goathair pointed, rushing me to a chair.

// Mikes P.O.V. //

I watched in confusion as Dr. Goathair shoved Jeremys sexy ass on a chair, which was not broken. Mrs. NoMistakes touched my shoulder, takingmy attention forwards her. "Im sorry sir but you must leave. This is very private but please wait in the waiting room, which we will call you in when we have the results. Please, help yourself with refreshments," Mrs. NoMistakes said politey, leading me out of the room.

I nodded my head, having Mrs. NoMistakes slam the door closed. I wanted to take a peek but i heard the door lock, making me unable to enter randomly. 'Shit!' I grumbled in my thoughts, heading down the hallway and into the waiting room once again.

^^ Time Skip for 25 Minutes ^^

I tapped my foot impaitently, groaning that it has been a long time for not seeing my little jere-bear. Since my little cutie is so helpless without me, i make sure that he is in good hands and in my sight when he is going somewhere or going to do something. I just wanna make sure that he doesnt get hurt or taken. Jeremy has told me before that i have been overprotective over him, which i totally agree for once from Jeremy. And after what i saw Dr. Goathair has done to the doctor room, i just abit frightened that he might do something harmful at my little jere-bear. Just having second thoughts ont hat fucking doctor; i swear.

The door creeked opened, having Mrs. NoMistakes in front of me with the same fucking clipboard in her hands. I looked up to her, rising up on my feet quickly. She smiled, handing me the clipboard that rested in her hands. My eyes quickly scanned the reults that came from Jeremy, and when i spotted the gender section, my eyes froze.

I looked up, having a smiled appear on my face quickly. My heart skipped a beat from all the joy that i was feeling right now. My hands shaked in happniess when i handed the filled out clipboard back to Mrs. NoMistakes, making her laugh in glee.

"You see Mr. Schimit? Jeremy is going to give birth to a very healthy baby. And not to mention, the babys gender is a----"


Fuck ya! A cliffhanger! Im such a fucking troll! >:D

Noot Noot!

Lolz, you guys are gonna stab me, arent you?


Im so mean

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