Chapter 62: Misunderstanding

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Cussing, Blood, sudical thoughts

(Next chapter/update would be less drama, and they will forgive each other, lolz :3)


// Mikes P.O.V //

I stomped off away Jeremy, heading towards the garage door angerly; opening the door and slamming it behind me. Approaching my ford blue mustang, i started the engine, hearing it roar throughout he walls of the garage. Unparking the car, i left the house, leaving Jeremy on his own, heading towards Fritz house. I just need time to think.

// Jeremys P.O.V //

I heard the garage carway closed, hearing the house dissappear into silence. Not a move, or sound, where heard in the house, only me breathing heavily on the floor. I gasped, feeling pain shoot throughout my body as i tried to lift myself from the floor. I failed a couple of times cause of the unbearable pain, but i soon stumbled back onto my feet.

I felt so heartbroken from what Mike said to me, which his words of hatred echoed in my head, repeatingly. I couldnt help myself but think about those words, that had hurt me so much.

'Why Mike? Why? Am i not good enough for you? Am i too stupid to love you? Am i the one who started this fight? Can i be forgivened? Can i get a second chance? Can you love me again? Why did you love me before, when you dont now? Please, help me? Please..... Im so sorry,' my thoughts roamed in my mind, controlling my thinking.

I sighed, rubbing my eyes that once fell tears, stumbling my feet towards the bathroom; turning the door knob with my tiny fingers. As the door opened, i stepped in the bathroom, staring at myself in the bathroom mirror. I sighed, removing my hair from my face. "Why do i have to look so ugly?" I mumbled under my breath, playing around with my own brown hair.

I looked down, reaching over to open the bathroom drawer. As the drawer opened wide, i shoved all the bathroom items to the back of the drawer, having a white item shine from under them. There, laid my old razor, during the time when i used to cut myself, cause of my fathers beatings.

Picking the razor up with my fingers, i rolled up my sleeves, pressuring the razor on my skin. I whined, pushing down the razor to my skin, having blood to flow out of the small wound. Tears started to stroll down my eyes, running down my face and dripping onto the bathroom floor. I sobbed silently in the bathroom, refusing to make another cut on my skin.

"M-Mike is right! Im s-such a w-weak h-human being. I c-c-cant do anything r-right! Im always the o-one who h-hurts other p-people, cause its all m-my f-fucking f-fault!" I sobbed, stuttering badly under my words. I continued, "I h-hate my l-life so much! Everything what M-Mike said is t-totally t-true. Im j-just too p-pathetic to f-face it... Im so w-worthless..."

I only stood there, leaning my hands on the bathroom countertop sink, crying my tears away.

// Mikes P.O.V //

I soon approached Fritz house, parking in front of his house. Stepping out, i patted up to the house, having my hands ball up to fists. I stomped up to Fritz front door, rising my fist up, knocking on the aggressively. I stood there, tapping my foot inpatiently in front of the door, having my arms crossed in front of my chest, gumbling angrily.

The door nob soon turned, having the door open wide open in front of me. There, stood an purple ass, at the doorframe, looking into my harsh blue eyes, which narrowed at the purple grape. Vincent grumbled, turning his head away from me, yelling, "Fritz! Mikes here!"

"Let him in!" A voice answered back, echoing throughtout the house walls. Vincent nodded, stepping back for me to enter the house. I looked around, seeing Scott in the living room, staring at me angrily. My harsh glaze softened a bit, getting confused of why Scott was in the house; including Vincent.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, walking closer towards Scott, who sat on Fritzs couch, legs crossed. Scott only grumbled, annocing, "Im here because of you, stupid. Those words hurt me there, you know. So i decided, to drag Vincent here because at least we get respect here."

I sighed, rubbing my face in stress. Fritz and Vincent walked in the living room, where Scott and I glared at each other evilly. Before i could insult Scott more, Fritz bounced in front of me, smiling nervously at my face. I peered over Fritzs body, narrowing my eyes towards Scott, about to say something nasty again, but Fritz shoved me, having myself stumble backwards on my feet.

"Wtf Fritz!" I yelled, standing there in anger and fustration [spelled wrong, sorry]. "Mike, i dont want you here to start a fight, ok? So tell me, why are you really here in the first place?" Fritz asked in a harsh tone, staring into my eyes. Vincent stepped up to Scott, rubbing his back in able to calm him down a bit. "Take in deep breaths," Vincent whispered in Scotts ear softly in a soothing voice, but loud enough for me to hear. I watched as Scott took him deep breaths, relaxing his stupid ass muscules. Fuck him.

I stepped back, rubbing the back of my neck, answering Fritz questions," Well, lets just say that Jeremy and I got in a little fight."

My blue eyes watched as Fritz only rolled his eyes, crossing his arms in front of his chest, sighing. "Mike, a little fight? Dude! You have scratchs on your face, and they are bleeding abit too!"

My body soon started to sweat, feeling Fritz getting onto me. "We-Welll..... a-a-ahhhhhh," i stuttered badly, rubbing my eyes in guilt. "Mike!" Fritz yelled at my face, getting inpatient with me, getting himself angeryer by seconds. "Fine," i mumbled, continuing, "You got me, ok! Jeremy and I got in a aggressive fight. So aggressive, we started to hurt each other, yelling curse words and insulting each other badly."

Scott and Vincent froze from those words that ran out of my mouth, looking up at me from the couch. "Is this true?" Vincent questioned softly, having worryness fill inside of his eyes. I only nodded my head, hanging my shoulders in guilt. Fritz froze in place as well, looking up at me in confusion. Then, out of no where, Fritz slapped me on the face harshly, echoing throughtout the living room.

"Bitch! Jeremy just gave birth to a baby and you guys had to fight now!" Fritz yelled in my face, shoving me against the living room wall. I didnt fight back but allow Fritz corner me to the wall, making myself frozen in fear.

Vincent jumped from the couch, running towards Fritz, pulling him back from my trembling body. "Fritz! Chill!" yelled Vincent, pulling Fritz away from me and onto the couch beside Scott.

Fritz sighed when his fat ass sat on the couch, rubbing his face, apologizing, "Im sorry, i dont know what got to me."

I only chuckled, coming up to Fritz, patting him the back. Before looking up, Scott looked up at me, making me have direct eye contact into his dark green eyes.

"What did you say to Jeremy?" Scott asked, standing up on his feet, rubbing my tensed up shoulders. I groaned, staring sadly into Scotts eyes, making me uncomfortable to speak in front of him. "Speak, im waiting," Scott growled, patting my cheeks cutely.

"Well, im uncomfortable to say but i will say one word that should have harshed Jeremy badly," i mumbled, hanging my head low. "Continue, one word is better than none," Scott murmured, stepping closer to my face.

I nodded my head, rising my head up to Scotts height, continuing in a sad tone, "I called him weak. Weak."


Sorry about the crapy chapter, author is too tried right now. Just had a soccer practice today, and my feet hurt *groans*

Will anyone tender my feet for me?

XD lolz im weird

Next update tomorrow :3 ♥

Trust me, they will forgive each other soon :D

Noot Noot!

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