Chapter 42: >: -{ D

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I woke up at 2:35 a.m. thinking that i should be a badass and type up a story and read other peeps stories the rest of the early morning.




// Jeremys P.O.V //

My eyes jerked opened when i glanced through Mikes living room. I was laying on the couch, desperately having a huge, bad headache all of a sudden. I groaned as i rubbed my forehead, murmuring curse words under my breath. I didnt remember what happened, only the fact when Mrs. NoMistakes said that she was going to give me extremely high medical medication. After that, i dont remember a thing.

Mike walked into the living room, noticing that i have just awoken from my sleep. He patted up to me smiling, rubbing my cheeks by his soft, tender hands. My green eyes glazed up to the blue eyes, that looked like beautiful crystals. Mike interrupted my thoughts when i heard his voice.

"You ok Jere-Bear?" Mike asked, ruffling my messed up chocolate brown hair. I quickly nodded, having a smile appear on my face. "You sure?" questioned reasonable Mikey, who narrowed his eyebrows on me. 'Oh shit, he knows!'

I nodded my head, telling the truth, "Im f-fine, j-just a b-bad headache t-that will s-soon go a-away." Mike glared at me before nodding his head, returing to his business of the shit is he doing. But i stopped him, asking him a question. "W-What happened at the h-hospital?"

Mike only chuckled, rubbing his face nervously, smirking, "Well, lets just say that you played with your toes and belly button, you giggled like a little girl physco, you ran through the hallways, scribbled marker all over your face, you touched my ass, saying that it was squishy, and you also stuck a pencil up Vincent nose.... Good Job."

I rubbed the back of my neck nervously, sweating uncontrollably and only just giggling. "H-How did i g-get here?" I asked. Mike chuckled, answering, "You got knocked out from the medical medication, which i had to drag you out of the hospital. When we got home, i cleaned your face from the marker and placed you on the couch. It has been about 2 hours since the last time you were awake."

I nodded my head, chuckling at my stupidity, "C-Cool." Mike then left, returning to his shity work he has to do. I just laid on the couch some more, having Sora jump on top of me, cuddling inside of my shirt. It looked like there was a huge, furry ball inside of my shirt, which looked weird as fuck.

Soras soft purrs echoed in the room, making me feel more comfortable at myself, being alone in this room. There was only silence in the room, until my phone started to buzz from Fritz and a unknown number. But i answered Fritz first.


(Jeremys phone)

Fritz: Can i hang out at your place today? With Scott? We are both bored and have nothing to do. :P

Jeremy: Sure :3

Fritz: Thx, we will come at 12


I glanced at the clock, seeing that it is already 11:16 a.m. in the morning. Before closing my phone, i decided to check on the unknown number. My eyes widened when i realized... It was my father.


(Jeremys Phone once more :3)

Dad: Hi fucker, i got a new number! Which cant be fucking block by any phone! So you little piece of shit, i knew where you fucking live, so dont ignore you own fucking fathers messages!

Jeremy: Ok, sorry.

Dad: You life is sorry. A mistake.


I quickly shut my phone off and placed it back in my jeans pocket. I was quite shocked that my fathers got a new number and i cant even block it. I blocked the old number, which worked but looks like it wont work if i block this one. But i tried anyway.

I reached for my phone once again, turning it on, and looking through the settings. I crossed over the options of blocking a number, typing in my fathers new number. But it said ERROR. 'Fuck you ducks!'

I slammed my phone angery at the ground, hearing the screen crack alittle. But i ignore the sound, only to cross my arms in front of my chest and narrow my eyes away from the phone. But then, tears began to sting my eyes, falling down my cute cheeks. Sora was quite shocked and frightened by my actions, jumping off from my belly, charging towards the kitchen, where her babies were.

I hide my face from the running tears, sobbing quietly so Mike wouldnt hear me tear up. I cried until it hit 11:25 a.m., wiping the tears from my eyes. My nose and face was completely red from the sobbing, making me sniff harshly. This worried Mike.

I heard his loud footsteps echo from the hallway, approaching towards me in the living room. He noticed my red face, quickly coming up to me, hugging me tightly. His warm body touched my body, feeling the love embrace getting strong. "Whats wrong Jeremy?" Mikes gentle, soothing voice wispered in my right ear. I sniffed once more, thinking how to answer his question.

I didnt want him to worry about me, so i lied, "J-Just t-t-thinking about m-my m-mother, d-dont w-worry about m-me. Im d-done c-crying." After i said that, i hugged Mike back in return, murmuring thank you in his ear. Mike smiled, lifting my chin up, before kissing me passionately on the lips. But it was broken when a knock was heard on the front door.

Mike growled, standing up and walking towards the door. I quickly rose from the couch, following Mikes tracks from behind. Mike looked quite unsatisfied when he saw Fritz and Scott in front of the doorframe; which was now 11:30 a.m.

'Fuck! They came too early,' i thought in my mind. Mike steeped back, motioning Fritz and Scott to enter his household. We all four walked in the living room, where my phone laid, half broke on the floor. Scott picked it up and handed it to me, which i murmured thank you to him.

Fritz sat in a chair by Scott, looking gladly at me. "So, 'mother', when are you going to get pregant?" asked Fritz. My face flushed strawberry when the question was spoke to me. I didnt know how to answer it.

Mike patted on my shoulder, gladly answering for me, "We dont know yet, so please dont tease him." Fritz started to laugh his ass off as Scott looked at him with confusion in his eyes.

'Fucker!' I thought, narrowing my eyes on Fritz. Fritz wiped the tears that ran down his chubby face, chuckling at the sight of it. Scott interrupted Fritz stupidity, looking at me, "You know that it is Mikes birthday tomorrow!"

I widened my eyes, sweating nervously in embarrassment, 'His birthday is tomorrow??! I dont even have a present for him!'

"You dont have a present, dont you," groaned Scott, who interrupted my thoughts in my head. "I d-didnt know it was e-even tomorrow! I n-need to get h-him something!" I screeched in embarrassment. Mike looked at me weirdly, narrowing his eyebrows on me. Mike sighed, "You know i didnt get you anything on your birthday. Why would you give me one?"

I shot an evil glance at Mike, who just started to nervously sweat. "E-Even if you d-didnt get me a-anything, shouldnt m-make me n-not get a-anything for you. I l-love you M-Mikey, and i just w-wanna you to be h-happy," i calmly said, kissing Mike on the cheek.

"But, a present doesnt make me happy. Its you that make me happy, Jere-Bear. Without you, my life is incomplete, which i need you more than a present. You can buy anything but you cant buy a Jeremy. Yet, i will make you a deal! Whenever we have sex again, when your comfortable for that, that will be the first present for me. Getting pregnant and giving birth to the child, will be my second present. That's all i need from you, ok babe?~" Mike purred, smiling at me.

I quick nodded, smiling happily in glee. My face flushed strawberry when Mike told me those words. I quickly hugged Mike, tighly in my arms. Mike hugged back, kissing the top of my head, gently. "I l-love you M-Mikey~" i purred. "I love you Jere-Bear."

All Fritz and Scott did was fangirl and nosebleed...


*aggressively* NOOT NOOT

(Fuck! @kenziej4! Lizzie got me the noot noots!)

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