Chapter 53: Blueberry Challenge (PART 1)

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// Mikes P.O.V //

It has been a week since Ryuus uncontrollable twerking situation, which we got him sprayed and nurtured yesterday. He wined in his pet cage and cried from hearing all the dogs in pain, but he went throught it. He just needs some bed rest for a week before he could be able to run and jump everywhere in the house. Lucky me! One less dog to worry about from destroying the house.

I got abit bored today, not knowing what to do today with or without Jeremy. The one thing in mind is to get Jeremy to give me a blowjob, but i know that would never happen.

((( XD no answer..... )))

I was in the kitchen, resting my head on the kitchen table, dreaming my mind away from this world. My mind is full of shit load off... Shit! Yes, shit. There was only silence filling in the room; the only noise was the kitchen clock ticking and the loud snores from sleeping Hana, who laid under my feet. She sounded like a dieing elephant that was choking but a piece of plastic, i dont know. Only thing to say is that it didnt sound good.

Jeremy walked in the kitchen, holding a cup of coffee in his hands. His little feet patted over to the sink, pouring out the old coffee in his cup from yesterday. It was 9:36 a.m. in the morning, which isnt normal for me to wake up this early; but somehow i did. I sighed in boredness, shutting my eyes closed. All i heard was a faint pair of footsteps coming towards me and a set of hands touch my head. "Whats w-wrong b-babe?" Jeremy asked, ruffling my black hair. I pouted, blowing the hair that rested on my face.

I slowly sat up, watching Jeremy walk over away from me, heading towards the coffee pot. He quickly placed coffee into the machine, renewing the coffee in the pot. Jeremy soon found out that i was staring at him, turning his head towards me in confusion, blushing. "M-Mike, whats w-wrong?" Jeremy asked again, with a cute tone in his voice. I sighed, rubbing my face, answering, "Nothing, just bored and tired." Jeremy nodded his head, smiling. He then continued to make a new fresh pot of coffee.

After awhile of watching Jeremy, an idea popped in my head. I jumped out of my chair, dancing around the kitchen tiles. Hana jumped in shock, running away from the kitchen, having her tail between her legs.Jeremy stopped his process, watching Hana leave, then started to stare at me with quite confusion. "M-Mike?"

"Yas! I got an idea we can do today! Lets do the blueberry challenge!" I yelled on the top of my lungs, with excitment in my voice. Jeremy jumped in shock, murmuring, "W-Why?"

I giggled my ass off, messing up my hair style by having my hands scramble around my hair. Jeremy chuckled, placing his newly fresh coffee on the kitchen table. He quickly poured into his cups, taking sips of it when the coffee was filled in his cup. Jeremy turned to me, smiling, "Want m-more c-coffee M-Mike?" I shooked my head, still jumping around the kitchen room in quite excitment.

"So how d-does the b-blueberry challenge w-work M-Mikey?" Jeremy asked, siping half of his coffee from his cup. I giggled, rubbing my hands in a evil way, having my eyebrows wiggle in a amazing wave moment. I picked up my phone, ignoring Jeremys question, and started to call my mother. Jeremy just crossed his arms, tapping his feet inpatiently on the kitchen tiles, looking quite pissed at me for not answering his question. But while the phone was ringing on the call line, Jeremy rolled his eyes, walking into the living room, having Ai following him at his heels.

I waited for the call line to be picked up, being answered by my mother in a excited tone.


(Mikes convestion with his mother, Taylee)

Mikes: "Hey mom, wanna do the blueberry challenge with me today? With Jeremy?"

Jeremike: Save meWhere stories live. Discover now