Chapter 45: The Pranksters

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(Name kenzie is @kenziej4. Name Alice is @Writer_And_Dreamer. No more new characters for now. XD)


// Jeremys P.O.V //

"Kenzie?" Mike questioned, having a shocked expression on his face. I patted up to Mike, holding onto his arm. Two unknown females stood at the doorstep. They both were very pretty, with shining green eyes. I looked up at Mike, squeezing his arms tighter, "Who a-are th-they?" Mike sighed, looking down at me then up at the two young females.

"Why dont you come in?" Mike asked, as a smile slowly appeared on his face. The two young ladies nodded their heads, stepping in the house. I leaded them both into the living room, offering a place on the couch.

Mike came up to me behind, patting my shoulder, mumbling, "This is my cousin, Kenzie. She is a excellent prankster, so be careful." Mike pointed at the female with long medium brown hair, with green shining eyes. She was quite beautiful.

"The other female is Alice, she is a great friend to my cousin and I. She is a helper of Kenzie pranks," Mike said, pointing at the other female. She was very pretty too.

"So if you dont mind me asking, why are you dressed as a sexy female?" Alice giggled. Kenzie only chuckled, heading out of the living room, and upstairs. "Fucking M-Mike p-putted it on m-me while i was s-sleeping~," I pouted, teaseing at Mike. Mike only chuckled, blushing.

// Kenzies P.O.V //

I quickly walked up the stairs, heading towards Mikes bedroom. When i opened the door and raced into the closet, i found his favorite beanies. My eyes narrowed as i smirked evily. My plan was to cut all his beanies in half.

(A/N: If you didnt know, Mike loves to wear beanies. HE NEEDS THEM! HIS LIFE IS INCOMPLETE WITHOUT THEM!)

I grabbed my favorite pair of scissors out of my dark red jacket pocket. And one by one, i cutted his beanies in half, letting them fall on the closet floor. But to be nice, i was save one pair of beanie for fun. I was enjoy his expression.

// Mikes P.O.V //

After a conversation with Alice, i noticed that Kenzie was no where to be seen. 'Oh shit! You can never leave her alone or else she will do something stupid!' I started to sweat nervously, pulling onto my hair. "Alice! Wheres Kenize!?" I yelled as my voice echoed through the living room.

"Right here~" Kenzie purred, twirling one of my beanies in her hands. She was leaning on the doorframe, smirking. My face was unexpressionable. [*screechs* BIG WORD!] I stared at her, quite nervous of what she might have done. Alice only giggled as Jeremy tried to remove the nail polish from his fingernails. Kenzie tossed me one of my beanies.

"What the FUCK did you do!" I yelled at Kenzie, but she only smirked bigger. She chuckled, "Go upstairs, in your closet to find out.~"

I rubbed my face, before racing upstairs into my bedroom. My feet stomped like a elephant, hurrying to see what Kenzie have done. I approached the closet, slowly opening the door. I gulped to see a pile of my beanies laying on the floor, cut in half. 'Fucker!'

Jeremy patted up slowly, with confusion in his eyes. "W-Whats w-wrong M-Mike?" I slowly turned to Jeremy, smiling like a physco. I quickly picked up the cut up beanies in my hands, and threw them at Jeremys face. All of the cut up beanies fell on the floor, on top of Jeremys tiny feet.

"O-Oh," murmured Jeremy, looking down at the beanies. Alice came up to Jeremy, standing by his side. Jeremy looked at Alice weirdly. But Alice only smirked, whispering something in Jeremys left ear.

// Jeremys P.O.V //

"Penis~" Alice whispered in my left ear, before taking off out of the house, like nothing happened. I slowly fell on the ground on my face, blushing like a tomato. I could feel Mikes glaze on me. "You alright Jere-Bear?" Mike asked, bending over at me. I shook my head, blushing and nosebleeding on the floor.

'Man, why did a image had to pop in my head!?' I screamed at my consciousness.

// Kenzies P.O.V //

Alice grabbed me on arm, dragging me out of the house. "What are you doing Alice?" I quetioned, narrowing my eyebrows. Alice only giggled, slamming the front door closed, and heading into our car. "I did something that was scar Jeremys life," Alice chuckled as she started the car. "Ok then."

// Mikes P.O.V //

'What the fuck just happened?' Fucking Jeremy is going to pass out from losing too much blood. Fuck, why does Jeremy nosebleed so much! I ran into the bathroom, pulling out a towel. I tossed it to Jeremy, who held it up his nose. His pink shirt was now stained with blood, which you cant remove blood from clothes. Fuck the Ducks! Well, some of my money is gone from my wallet.

I sighed, asking Jeremy, "What did Alice tell you?" Jeremy looked up to me, shaking his head. "B-Better not to k-know," Jeremy answering, still holding the towel up hid nose. The towel was now at least half soaken with Jeremys blood.

After when Jeremys nose stopped bleeding, i cleaned his bloody stained face and placed Jeremy on the bed. "Its better if you rest for while," i murmured, pulling the covers up to Jeremys neck, ruffling his hair, beforing leaving the room, shutting the down behind me.

Soon, soft "kitten" snores were heard at the other side of the bedroom door.


Babies Process in next chapter!


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