Chapter 77: Mikes a Fůcking Bůtthőle :3 Is Scott Pregnant!?

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// Mikes P.O.V //

"Jeremy! Dont go!" I whined, grabbing my lovers legs together. My body was on the floor, getting dragged by Jeremys little legs; which my arms gripped on tightly. Jeremy grunted, looking down angrily, at sick body, in his Freddy Fazbear Pizzeria nightwatch uniform. I was in my topically t-shirt and old, shaggey pj pants, curling up on Jeremys sexy legs with a frown on my so-called handsome face.

"B-But M-Mikey, i have to go t-to work! F-Fritz got sick t-today and i have to f-fill in for him for the n-night shift! Im s-sorry Micheal, but you g-got to let me g-go or else i'll be l-late for w-work!" Jeremy groaned, yanking his legs harshly, trying to be released from my strong grip. I whined and winced sadly, slowly letting go of my partners legs from my arms.

Jeremy sighed, "T-Thank you M-Micheal, now g-goodbye."

After those words, Jeremy exited the house, stepping into the garage area. In seconds, a car engine roared loudly, echoing throughtout the house walls. Quickly, the faint car engine slowly disappeared, singaling me that Jeremy was already on his way to work.

I sighed in sadness, lifting my body off the cold, hard tiled kitchen floor that i was dragged into by Jeremys body. I was ok letting Jeremy go to work, if i tagged along, but today my body ached in a unhealthy way; It's what you people call, a cold.

My runney nose and aching head wasnt making me feel better, but only worst in that matter. But, the thing is, today is only Wednesday; which the animaltronics are fully half their worst than Friday. I knew Jeremy would struggle, having to whine up the music box, check cameras, and flick the flashlight all at the same time, but i know that he can do it; he has proven me that he can when one time i acendentally fell asleep on the whole job, sniffing the old material of the empty Fazbear head that my head was shoved into the whole time, but i lived luckly.

I sniffled, walking sloppy as i approached the living room, sitting my sick ass on the couch. The TV was flickering on, showing a cooking show that i fucking hate in my entire life, my mouth growling angrily at the program. "Shut the fuck up TV!" I yelled, grabbing the TV remoted that sat by me.

Pressing the OFF button on the remote, the TV refused to turn off but have its volume level turn up high, beginning to hurt my ears. "Fuck! Why wont you shut up and turn off?!" I yowled, pressing the OFF button once more but only resulted the volume level to increase dramatically, blasting out the speakers loudly throughout the house.

I screeched in rage, smashing the TV remote onto the floor, hearing the buttons break and scatter all over the living room floor. I only groaned in result, jumping off the couch and stomping my way into the kitchen, having my hands form in to fists angrily in rage by my side.

Approaching the kitchen cabinets, i yanked a kitchen drawer open, hearing the silverware rustle on eac other. Grabbing the fork, i twirled my little weapon between my fingers, slamming the drawer closed. When the drawer shutted closed, it countertop vibrated from the force i applied on the handle, hearing the silverware rustle again once more.

My feet rushed back to the living room, stomping onto the living room once again as i battle cried loudly and angrily. "Your gonna die tonight TV!!" I screeched, throwing the fork at the TV screen.


I breathed heavily as the TV screen glass shattered into peices, falling onto the floor, crackling more. My eyes showed pure anger as the TV shutted off from malfunctioning of the fucking badass fork.
[@Kwelpgirl Fork xD]

The fork, so innocent, was stabbed right in the middle of the TV screen, resulting the whole machine to fall completely on the ground, splitting nearly in half. More glass was shattered on the living room flooring, spreading all over in that one area.

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