Chapter 64: Mad-ass McDonald's Trip (@badwolf152 special request)

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XD omg @badwolf152, i told you this will happen...


Lolz, @badwolf152 was my first veiwer i skyped, omg i LOVED it! :D


// Jeremys P.O.V //

It has been already a couple of days since the fight Mike and I had. We now forgive each other so dearly, which we cant stop cuddling all day. This morning, Skylox, the lady of the front desk in the hospital where Kamelia was born, called us. She said that Kamelia is ready to be picked up and the doctors from the hospital also told us that Kamelia is completely one healthy baby. What a charm!

Right that call, Mike and I just rushed to the hospital, picking up the little muffin in our hands. I swear that i will protect this muffin with all my might, making her unstoppable from the bullies, rapers, and other challenges that she will face during her adulthood. ♡

After picking the baby up, Mike and I decided to go to McDonalds, cause it was quite close to our house, taking only 3 minutes to get there. Mike drove us to the restaurant in his Blue Ford Mustang, having the baby girl in a baby car seat in the back; who slept in her beautiful dreams full of fantasy creatures.

Approaching the building, Mike quickly parked the car in front of the restaurant, turning the engine off and stepping out of the car. I did the same, yet pulling Kamelia out of the car in her black baby carrier.


Mike and I, together holding hands, walked in the building, only having 3 people there; including us. As the doors behind us closed, we stepped up to the menu, having Kamelia in my hands with care.

As my eyes scanned the front countertop, only widening in quite shock. There, stood in front of us from behind the countertop, as a cashier, was... Kenzie.

I quickly rushed up to the countertop, having Mike behind my trail in seconds, confused. "Jeremy?" Mike questioned as he came up to my side when i stopped in front of the countertop. "K-Kenzie!?" I yelped in confusion, ignoring Mikes question.

Kenzie only sighed, rubbing her face in disgrace. "Yes? What may i fucking help you?" Kenzie murmured, narrowing her eyes angrily at us.

"MCKENZIE! Dont talk to our fellow customers that way!" the manager yelled, only being a couple feet behind Kenize. Kenzie angrily turned towards the manager, screeching back, "Dont fucking call me by my real name asshole!"

After her words ran out of her mouth, she turned her back be towards us, looking quite calm. The manager just sighed, walking farther inside the kitchen, helping the employees out with the cooking. I was just froze in shock, realizing that Kenzie actually got a job here. Mike, in the other hand, had his teeth grin into his bottom lip, trying to hide his laughter. He was, as well, sweating like crazy, staring at Kenzie in laughter.

I just rolled my eyes, looking up to the menu above my head, still wondering what to order. Mike all of a sudden gripped his stomach, having his arms wrap around his belly area. I quickly turned my head to him, staring harshly, "M-Mike, please c-chill dude."

Mike nodded his head, straightened his back, wiping the leaking tears from his eyes; chillaxing his laughters. "So, what do you want assholes?" Kenzie growled, placing her hands on the cashier buttons. I only shrugged, turning my head direction towards Mike. "M-Mike, will you c-choose for m-me p-please?" I asked,

"Sure," Mike replied, stepping closer to the countertop. I just carried Kamelia in my hands, patting my feet towards a empty table by a window.

// Mikes P.O.V //

I pulled out my wallet swiftly, looking straight at grumbey Kenzie, who only murmured a couple of curse words under her breath. I rolled my eyes, handing $20 towards her hands. "I'll just take number 11, and for Jeremy, since he cant decide, just give him a kids happy meal, and make it extra happy," i punned, having a smirk on my face.

Kenzie grabbed the money, placed it in the cashier but froze in place when she heard my words. Her head slowly looked up at me, with a confused expression on her face. "Extra happy?" She questioned, starting to chuckle darkly.

In a flash, Kenzie pulled out a pistol from under the countertop, pointing it at me when a physco smirk on her face. I quickly shrieked, freezing his place when the gun pointed at my head.


"Extra happy?" Kenzie choked under her breath, leaning towards close enough til the point when the gun touched my forehead. I nervously sweated, smiling in fear as i looked up at the gun; trembling. Kenzies index finger was placed on the trigger, getting ready to push it.

I waved my hands in the air, looking up at the gun, "Kenzie... Please dont do this...."

Kenzie only chuckled, pulling the gun away from my forehead, smirking as she licked her lips. "I sure wont honey, just dont fucking pun me again, ok sweet ass~" Kenzie purred, hiding the gun behind the countertop, while still looking at me.

I slowly stepped backwards, still smiling in fear, "Just keep the change."

Kenzie only giggled, leaning her body on the countertop, watching me with quite delight as I step away in fear. "I will honey bonny, your order will be out soon~," Kenzie cooed a reply.

^^ Time Skip to Mikes house ^^ (IM HUNGRY!)

// Jeremys P.O.V //

After the meal from McDonalds, which Mike had to give me a fucking happy kids meal, we brought ourselves home; wanting to rest for a while.

I stepped in the house first, having little Kamelia in my arms, sleeping peacefully; snoring like a little kitten. Heading towards the living room, i stumbled on the couch, sitting my ass on the soft cushions.

// Mikes P.O.V //

I watched as Jeremy walk in the house, having the Kamelia in his hands. I had to get the leftovers that i didnt finish over at the restaurant, which was laying on the passenger seat.

Grabbing the leftover bag, and rushing myself in the house, I placed the bag on the countertop. Turning my direction to the living room, i patted in the room, searching for the remote for the TV. What i didnt notice was Jeremy asleep on the couch, having the baby resting beside him until i found the remote, about to sit on Jeremy.

'Man, this is tooo cute!' I thoughted in a excited tone, pulling my phone out of my back jean pocket. In a second, i quickly snapped a picture on my phone, fangirling so hard on the couch....

I actually nosebleeded from the cuteness....



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