Chapter 97: I Never Meant To Make You Cry

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A/N: Before you guys continue reading I think that this by far is my favorite chapter! =)


could it be that Noah was jealous that I was meeting up with Scarlett did he care about me? Or did he just do that because he was angry that I was meeting up with the girl that messed up Alex and I’s relationship and caused his cousin a lot of pain? I seriously wish that I could ask him but why do I get the butterflies in my stomach every time I think about him or see him why do I feel this electricity run through my body when I think about Noah caring about me? Do I care about Noah does this mean that I like him and feel something for him? But I can’t because Noah is with Isabella and I promised that I wouldn’t their relationship and I mean I really doubt it that Noah feels the same way, god this is so depressing I seriously regret everything that I did with Noah and like I said I don’t even know why I did it I didn’t mean to hurt Alex, if it wasn’t for my stupid mistake Alex and I probably would’ve been married by now, we probably would’ve even had a baby together but, I had to go ahead and ruin every little happiness in my life, but one thing that I am sure of is that I think I might be falling for Noah and I don’t know whether that’s a good thing or a bad thing?

Noah’s Pov:

After I calmed down Lauren took me home once I arrived I walked in and Isabella was watching T.V and she sees me and smiles and says “hey babe how did your first day go?” I laugh a little nervous and I walk over and sit next to her and peck her lips and say “hi pretty girl” she smiles and then I lean down and kiss her belly and say “hi baby” Isabella chuckles and she says “how did it go?” I sigh and say “well I might be getting fired on the day” her eyes widen and she says “oh my god why what happened?” I take a deep breath and say “well everything started off great, I told Demi that when we were in public I was going be professional and be her bodyguard and that when we were home I would be her friend and so next thing you know when we were going for lunch she said she was meeting up with a friend and once we arrived to the restaurant we head over to the booth and well she was meeting up with Scarlett” Isabella gasps and says “no you’re kidding right?” I sigh “I wish I was but I’m not she was meeting up with her even after everything happened” she says “oh my god and what happened?” I say “well um I sort of beat the crap out of Scarlett when she started talking about me” she says “you as in Alex?” I nod my head saying yes and she says “oh my god baby Demi is going to fire you” I sigh and rub the back of my neck “I know, I mean I know I should apologize to her but at the same time I don’t want to because she was meeting up with Scarlett”

Isabella says “I know what you mean but you have to apologize to her because you made it clear to her that in public you were going to act professional and well obviously beating up Scarlett wasn’t professional, and also because you are not Alex you are Noah you have to remember that Noah” “I know, I just I lost it when I saw that she was meeting up with Scarlett, like seriously you still meet up with the girl even after what she did to you?” she says “Noah you have no right to be mad her for that because it’s none of your business and I thought you said you didn’t care about her?” I say “I don’t care about her it just makes me angry because she is still meeting up with her” she says “you see this is were I get confused Noah because it seems like you still care about her Noah, whether you are Alex of Noah you still care about her” I realize that this conversation isn’t going to end well so I look at her and grab her hands and look her in the eyes and say “Isabella I love you, and only you I don’t care about Demi she is in the past she hurt me to the point where I didn’t think that I could ever love again but you changed that you made me believe in love again” she sighs and looks down and says “I know you love me Noah I know you do but I just feel like I am loosing you little by little even though you say that you don’t like her or care about her but I feel it” she gets up and I say “Isabella” she says “please just give me time ok I need to cool off I’m going to spend the night at Laurens ok”.

I will always love you even if I say I don't (Demi Lovato Fan Fiction) (GirlxGirl)Where stories live. Discover now