Chapter 77: Prom?

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We arrive to the beach and she says “oh my god are we going to watch the sunset?” I smile and say “yes we are” she cheers and she says “can you help me take off my heels?” I say “yeah sure” I kneel down and take off her heals she says “thank you babe” I smile and I take off my shoes and we walk hand in hand towards the shore, we reach the spot and say “ok right here is perfect” she smiles and I sit down first and she sits down in between my legs leaning her back on my chest and I wrap my arms around her waist and kiss the side of her head and she says “I really missed you Alex” “I really missed you too Demi, but in one more month we will finally be together” she smiles and says “so you decided already?” “yes I did” “what did you decide?” “I'm going to TSU (A/N: I forgot to mention this before but I honestly don’t know If there is a university in Texas called like that lol I just made it up) but I will have 3 months with you before I go”

Alex’s Pov:

She gives me her best fake smile that she could give me and says “oh that's great I'm really happy for you” I smile and say “really?” “yeah I am” I smile and chuckle “I'm kidding babe I'm not going to TSU I'm going UCLA so that I can be with you” she turns around and looks at me and says “oh my god really?” I say smiling “yeah” she tackles me and wraps her arms around my neck and says “oh my god I love you, I love you, love you, love you so much” I chuckle and say “I love you too beautiful and I love you for also pretending to be happy for me about going to TSU” she smiles and says “of course I would do that because I love you and want you to be happy” I smile “well my happiness is being next to you” she smiles and we lean in and kiss, we pull away and she says “that was part one of my surprise” she chuckles and says “well I loved it and I can't wait until the second one” I smile and she leans in and we start making out and she is running her hands through my hair, I bite her lip and she moans and we pull away because breathing became a problem we smile at each other and then she says “can we take a picture and then confirm it that you are staying with me?” “yeah of course” she sits back in between my legs again and I wrap my arms around her and we both look into the camera and smile and she takes it, I lay back and I take a deep breath and she says “this is what I put” she lays back on me and I read it and it says “it's official my baby is moving in with me and is going to UCLA so we can stay together, I love you @alexisthebest” (A/N: Fake twitter name) I smile and say “it's perfect”

I wrap my arms around her and put my hands inside her shirt and I rub her stomach and she moans “oh babe that feels so good” I smile and she says “I wish we could have sex but we can't” I put “why not?” “because I'm on my period” and she pouts and I say “Awww my poor baby” and she says in a baby voice “it hurts” I say “is there anything I can do for you beautiful?” “you can cuddle with me, buy me a strawberry milkshake and chocolate” I chuckle and say “ok as soon as your surprise happens we can go and buy all of that and cuddle” she smiles and says “I love you” “I love you too” we kiss and just continue talking while watching the sunset and then she says “babe when do you want to have kids?” “umm I don't know beautiful I guess when we are ready” she smiles “can we have a baby now” I look at her surprised and say “right now?” “well not right now but like when you move in” “um are you sure about this?” “yeah of course I am I want to have a lot of babies with you” I say “whoa how many are we talking about here?” she smiles really big and says “um 4 or 5” I look at her shocked “kids?” she smiles “mmmh” I say “whoa that's um a lot of kids don't you think?” “yeah but I want a big family babe” she gives me her puppy eyes and she knows that I couldn't resist them so I say “fine 5 kids but babe I don't have a penis and I want to feel when I explode inside of you” she says “oh my god stop you’re turning me on” I smile and get on-top of her and I say “really babe?” I kiss her neck and she moans “oh yes” I grind onto her and say “I want you feel that sensation when I slide into you and penetrate you” she moans and she says “I want to feel you explode inside of me” I smile and grind against her “oh my god babe I need you now” “I wish we could beautiful but we can't” she says “I hate being on my period” I smile “don't worry as soon as you are off it I will pleasure you babe” she says “you are not going to be here anymore” I say “I'll fly down that day” and she says “you would do that?” “of course I would” she smiles and says “you literally are the best babe” I smile “only for you beautiful” she smiles and we kiss.

It was finally dark and it was time for me to ask Demi to go to prom with me we were standing up and I say “babe I need to ask you something” “anything handsome” I say “I know that this might seem a little cheesy but I know that since you were homeschooled you didn't have a chance to go so I want this night to be special for both of us” “what is it babe?” “look that way babe” and she looks towards the ocean and the fireworks went off saying “prom” with a question mark and she says “oh my god babe” I smile and say “so what do you say beautiful? She smiles really big and says “yes I'd love to go to prom with you” I smile really big and pick her up and say “thank you, thank you, thank you” she giggles “that was so cheesy of you to ask me” I smile “I wanted to make it special” “well you succeeded” I smile and she says “I never thought I was going to get ask to prom” I frown “why not beautiful?” she says “you know why?” I say “well if you would've gone to high school and none of those guys would've asked you to prom then they are idiots because you are so beautiful and if I were to be going to your high school with you then I would've definitely asked you” she smiles and says “you would?” “hell yes I would because you are so beautiful Demi you literally take me breath away and you have my heart beating like this” I grab her arm and put it over my heart and she smiles and tears fall down her eyes while having a huge smile I cupped her cheeks and wipe her tears away and say “don't cry please, a beautiful girl like you should never cry” she smiles and says “these are happy tears because I am so happy to have someone like you in my life” I smile and say “I'm the lucky one here Demi trust me” she says “I love you” I say “I love you too” we lean and kiss and I immediately feel the bombs and fireworks going off as we kiss I love this girl sooo much and I would do anything to make her happy.

After that we decided to go buy the stuff she wanted and head home and have a movie night and so we drive up to her house and there is loud music playing next door actually there's a party going on and it's Scarlett's house I roll my eyes and Demi says “babe can we please go to your sister’s house instead?” “yeah I think that would be better” she says “can I change first though?” I smile “yeah of course” I park and well we go inside and there is a lot of people in Scarlett's house I can tell then Demi says “babe there's a bag of chips in the kitchen we should take it” “ok I'll wait for you down here” “ok” and she heads upstairs I walk in to the kitchen and grab the bag of chips, I then decide to grab a glass of water and I drink some and someone knocks on the door I go and open in and I see Scarlett standing there holding a bottle of alcohol and a joint, I roll my eyes and say “what do you want?” she raises her hands up in defense and says “chill I just came to invite you to the party” “no thanks were going out” then Demi comes and says “babe who” and she sees Scarlet and says “Scarlet what are you doing here?” “I just came to invite you and Alex to the party” Demi says “I'm sorry but were going out” she smirks and says “oh come on just for a little while” Demi looks at me and I say “we made plans already babe” Scarlett says “oh come on Alex don't be a party pooper” I look at Demi and she says “maybe we can go for a little while?” I say “Demi come on you can't be around that stuff” crap that didn’t come out right and I can tell that she was hurt by what I said and she says with a annoyed tone “I can be around it I just won't do it” I sigh and Demi wraps her arms around my waist and she says “come on Alex we haven't been to a party in a while” I sigh again and say “fine but just for a bit” she smiles and says “yes I promise” Scarlett cheers and I just glare at her, I have a feeling that this is going to turn out to be a horrible night I can see it happening already.

Is Alex right is something going to happen?

What is going to happen?

Is Scarlett planning something?

Hey guys here is Chapter 77 I hope you guys like it and if you do please vote and comment below and let me know what you guys think and what you guys think is going to happen next, I apologize that the updates have been smaller and slower but I just don’t want to write all the excitement in one chapter haha but anyways thank you guys so much for reading and please continue to enjoy! =)

I will always love you even if I say I don't (Demi Lovato Fan Fiction) (GirlxGirl)Where stories live. Discover now