Chapter 73: Revenge

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say “mom” and she says “Lauren I um I was raped when I was 22 years old by not a man but a dam kid” I look at her confused and say “I know this is going to be hard to believe and it will all be hard to take in but I was raped by a 16 year old Lauren, and um that 16 year old was Wilmer Valderrama” what the hell did my mom just say? Did she just say that she was raped by Wilmer Valderrama no, no, no, no this can’t be I cannot believe that she notices that I am just in shock and she says “I know that it is a lot to take in Lauren but you have to believe me ok, and you also have to prepare yourself for the next part” I say “mom I am so sorry” she chuckles and says “it wasn’t your fault honey so you have nothing to apologize about” I sigh and say “I swear mom I am going to kill Wilmer right now” she says “no you can’t do that Lauren” I say “why not mom he raped you, did you even report him?” she nods her head no and I say “why not?” She looks me in the eyes and takes a deep breath and says “because Wilmer is Alex’s father” I gasp and say in my mind WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?!

Lauren's Pov:

Oh my god what the hell did my mom just say? Please tell me that this is all a dream and that Alex and Demi are not kidnapped and that my mom just said that Wilmer is Alex's father, I really do hope that all of this is a dream because this is not only going to cause drama but this going to break Alex knowing that, the person that she hates the most is her oh my god I can't even say it, my mom snaps me out of my thoughts when she says "Lauren I know that this is a lot to take in but it's the truth" I look at her and say "why didn't you tell us mom?" she says "because I didn't want you guys to grow up hating Alex knowing that her father was a son of a bitch" I nod my head "mom you should've told of this a long time ago and we wouldn't have grown up hating Alex come on she is our sister no matter what, we never grew up hating Hailey" she says "I know but I was just so scared for Alex because I know that when she finds out the truth she is going to hate me and she is probably going to run away or something and I don't want that I don't want that from none of you" I let out a couple tears understanding what she meant my mom is really strong and brave for still being able to raise us even after what that son of a bitch put her through and I truly admire her for that because if it would've been me I don't know what I would've done, I look at my mom and smile at her "I know that telling Alex the truth is scary but she has to know mom she has to know the truth" then we hear someone say "what truth?" and I realized that it was Chris and next to him was Hailey, I look at my mom and take a deep breath and I look at my mom and give her a smile and she says "come here Chris there is something that I need to tell you guys" they walk in and sit around us, oh boy there is going to be a lot of tears right now we might just fill up the rivers with them.

A/N: This is now going to continue with Alex's Pov from where it had previously left of with her finding out that Rachel was helping out Wilmer.

Alex’s Pov:

Looking at the fear running in Rachel’s face confuses the hell out of me why is she scared of me if she is willing to help Wilmer, to destroy Demi and I’s life? Rachel says “Wilmer can I get a moment a lone with Alex” he says “ok you can talk to her while I am out doing an interview that my manager just scheduled very last minute, Mike stay with them” and he says “yes sir” “oh and also tie Demi up to a chair” as soon as he leaves I say “what the hell Rachel why are you helping this asshole?” she looks around not sure if to answer that question while Mike is there and she walks over to me and whispers to me “I am not helping him I am helping you and Demi, you dumbass” I make a confused face and say “what? What are you talking about?” she rolls her eyes and says “ok you need to calm down ok” I try to relax and she says “Jake called me before Wilmer had him killed and told me that he was going after you and Demi to end your lives, he called me because he knew that I could help by pretending to hate you since we hooked up that one time, so of course I pretended to hate you so much and Wilmer was going to let me kill you but I know that, that is all bullshit and that he is not really letting me do it because he wants to do it himself he is just using me but in reality he is thinking about killing me" I look into her eyes to see if she is lying but she isn't she is actually being honest, and she says "do you believe me now" I say "yes I do believe you and I am grateful that you are trying to help us but you need to get out of here Rachel you have to leave and take Demi with you" she nods her head "Alex no I can't leave you behind" I say "please do it Rachel please I beg of you it's for the best" she says "no Demi would hate me for leaving you behind" I say "no she wouldn't I know that she would understand and she will know that I was the one that told you please get out of here Rachel" she looks at me and knows that she has to get out before Wilmer comes back and she says "fine I'll take Demi with me but I am coming back for you ok" I sigh knowing that this is the only way that they will leave and then I will ask Mike to protect her and not let her come back, "fine you can do that but please leave now" she says "ok"

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