Chapter 99: The Envelope

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I see a man with a sign that says “Jauregui” we walk towards him and Isabella says “babe is that for us?” I smile “yes it is” she says “oh my god” I smile and we reach the man and I say “I’m Jauregui” he says “hello Mr. Jauregui and Mrs. Jauregui” we smile and I wait to see if Isabella says something about us not being married yet and she says “actually um we aren’t married I’m just waiting for this one to pop the question” I chuckle because she put me on the spot and the guy looks at like “what the hell are you waiting for?” and I rub the back of my head and just laugh nervously and he says “you need to hurry up my friend” I laugh and say “will do” we make our way towards the limo and Isabella says “babe oh my god you rented a limo for us?” I smile “of course I did beautiful because today is going to be your day” she smiles and says “aww I love you sooo much you know” I smile “I love you much more than you think Isabella” we lean in and kiss.

Isabella’s Pov:

I seriously can’t believe that Noah brought me to New York I love him sooo much for this and I am super curious as to why he keeps telling me that today is going to be my day, I really do hope though that I didn’t scare him when I said that I was just waiting for him to pop the question, I mean I would definitely love to be Noah’s wife but I don’t see it coming anytime soon just because of the fact that he is still afraid of that type of commitment and I mean I totally understand him, marriage is a big deal it may seem like the simplest thing but I mean marriage is something that lasts forever it’s not a oh get married for 30 days and then if you don’t like it then you can get divorced, no that’s not the way it works which is obviously why I don’t really question him because I want him to be ready and I know that when Noah feels ready I will also feel ready and I know that one day he will be married and propose to me.

Right now I am enjoying the beautiful view that is ahead of me which is entering New York City, (A/N: I’ve never been to New York so I apologize for not describing New York so well) New York Is so beautiful I really wish that Noah and I could live here maybe one day  we will, I am standing sticking my body out in the sun roof of the limo and let me tell you the view is amazing I spread my arms taking in all of the fresh air and then I feel Noah come out from behind me and he says “are you trying to be Rose from Titanic?” I chuckle and say “yes I am Rose and you are Jack” he laughs and says “well I must say you make a beautiful Rose” I blush and say “well you make a really handsome Jack” he smiles back and wraps his arms around my waist I lean back on his chest and place my arms on top of his and we just stare at what is in front of us.

We eventually go back inside the car because people were looking at us like we were crazy or something, and well also because we finally arrived to what I am assuming is the hotel, the driver opens the door for us and Noah gets out first and then he turns around to help me like the gentleman that he is, I smile and say “thank you” and he gives me a smile, Noah looks at the driver and he says “we are just going to leave our stop and freshen up we will probably be down in an hour” the driver says “sounds good to me sir” we leave and walk in to the entrance of the hotel and walk over to the front desk the receptionist says “hello welcome to ____ (A/N: I don’t know about any hotels in New York but if you know than just add that on your own lol), Noah and I smile and he says “hi um I have a room reservation under Noah Jauregui” she says “ok let me take a look” while she is looking I say “bae what are we going to do today?” he pulls me close to him and says “today we are going to explore the city” I smile and say “just that” he chuckles “maybe, or we might do a little more” I chuckle and say “please tell me” he says “nope you will just have to wait and see beautiful” and he pecks my lips and I just pout, the receptionist says “ok Mr. Jauregui 1 room for 2 people her is your key, you room is in floor number 28 letter A” he smiles and says “thank you very much” and she says “you’re welcome and enjoy your stay here at _____”.

I will always love you even if I say I don't (Demi Lovato Fan Fiction) (GirlxGirl)Where stories live. Discover now