Chapter 150: Drama Part 2

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I say "this is all you Justin if you wouldn't have done all that shit then I would remember whether I cheated on Demi that night, I wouldn't have this fucking girl telling me that I got her pregnant and that if I don't take responsibility or her child then she is going to come out the public and ruin everything that I have" suddenly my phone begins to ring and I see that it is Lauren and I answer and say "hey Lauren what's wrong?" "it's mom you have to come to the hospital immediately" and I freeze.....

Alex's Pov:

I say "I'm on my way" I click and just stand there and Miles says "Alex what's wrong?" I look down at my hands but then react fast and say "I have to go it's my mom" he says "ok go don't worry we are going to handle this and call us as soon as everything is ok with your mom ok?" I nod my head understanding and I look at Justin and he says "Alex?" "leave me alone Justin" I walk out and make my way to the hospital, as soon as I get there I see my family waiting in the waiting room I walk towards them and I say "what happened?" is mom ok?" Lauren gets up and says "she um started to seize when dad was talking to her and her heart stopped so the doctors when in and started to do everything and they brought her back but then also took her to surgery to see why she was seizing" "she's going to be ok though right she's going to make it to see us get married?" she shrugs and tears fall from her eyes and she says "I don't know Alex I really don't know anything could happen while she is in there" I nod my head understanding and say "where is dad?" "he is inside signing some papers" "Lauren I haven't talked to her" she looks at me and says "what do you mean?" "I mean that I haven't spent time with her and I know that I should be because she's not getting any better" she sighs and pulls me into a hug and says "I know that something is going on with you Alex and you know that if it's something bad then we are all here for you I know that you have been leaving every night and so does Demi so whatever is going on with you, you have to tell us or at least tell Demi" I nod my head and say "everything is fine Lauren don't worry I've just been going to the studio a lot to get things off my mind" she nods her head understanding and she says "ok" we let go and I walk towards Demi and she looks up at me and gets up and hands me Jenny and walks away, she's pissed off, of course she is and I understand why

I sigh and decide to let her cool down for a bit and sit down in the chair with Jenny in my hands, I look down at her and she looks in my eyes and I say "your mommy is mad at me and I don't blame her, I haven't been good to her and I also lied to her and I am really sorry baby girl" her eyes begin to close meaning she is falling and I just sigh I have to make things right with Demi I just I don't want to put them through any more pain then they are already going through especially Demi she is going to be devastated when I tell her about this, but honestly I didn't cheat on her I may have been drunk but I would never cheat on her, I get up and decide that I need some air began I am just getting more and more upset so I walk over to Haley and I say "hey do you mind watching Jenny for a bit?" "yeah sure" "thank you" I walk outside and I take a deep breath and I hear her say "where are you running off to now?" I look to my right and I see Demi sitting there, I thought she had left but I guess she also just needed fresh air I walk over to her and say "nowhere I just needed some fresh air" she rolls her eyes and I say "Demi please don't do that" "do what?" "please don't distance yourself from me" she chuckles and says "why can't I do it if you have been doing it for the past week" "Demi I'm sorry I just" she says "why have you been leaving the house every night?" I look down and say "I've um been going to the studio" she gets up and walks over to me and says "you can't even look me in the eye when you try to lie" she is about to walk away and I decide that I need to tell her what is going on she deserves to know the truth before this all gets out and she finds out from someone other than me, I pull her from her arm and she says "Alex let go of me" "Demi I'm going to tell you what's really been going on" she looks at me with concern and I say "please just listen to me and don't jump into conclusions ok?" she takes a deep breath and says "ok"

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