Chapter 76: It's Been A Month

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It’s been a month since everything happened and well everything seems to be back to normal, on the bright side I got my job back at Olive Garden which was pretty cool I am still recovering from my rib but I can now have sex with Demi now which is the best news that you could ever get, unfortunately I haven't seen Demi she's been really busy and well so have I but prom is going be happening soon and I am going to ask Demi today so I decided to go and surprise her, right now I'm on my way to LA and I arrived to the airport and I see Lauren waiting for me there since she is now back in LA with the girls oh and of course her and Camila are back together I knew those little suckers were going to get together again they were supposedly taking it slow yeah right they got together after a week of taking it slow, I smile and she says “hi Alex” “hi Lauren” she hugs me and says “how have you been?” I say “pretty good, pretty good” she smiles “that’s good how’s your rib?” I say “it’s still healing, but the doctor just told me that I am allowed to have sex again” she rolls her eyes and says “did the doctor mention that or did you ask?” I chuckle and say “ok I asked” she chuckles “of course you would” we chuckle and get in her car and she says “so how are you going to ask Demi to prom” “um I am thinking about taking her to the beach and then some fireworks are going to go off saying prom?” she smiles and says “aww that's so cute” I smiles “ok so I'm assuming that you are staying over at Demi's right?” “yeah I am” she says “ok” I say “so how are you and Camila doing?” she says smiling widely “we are perfectly happy Camila and I are just better than ever I feel like after what happened between us it brought us and made us fall in love with each other even more” I smile and say “that’s good I am happy for you guys and I am even more happier because you get to rub it in that stupid guy from The Vamps, what’s his name?” she chuckles and says “Brad” I say “Brad there you go, wow his name even sounds like a douche bags name and reminds me of a dam Bra” she laughs really loud and she says “oh my god that is hilarious your right it does remind me of a Bra” I chuckle and say “I swear if I see him Lauren I am going to kill him” she says “please don’t I don’t care about him and either way I think Dinah slayed him already with her tweets” I chuckle “she really did I mean I know now not to ever mess with her or else she is going to rip me into pieces I mean if that was just through twitter imagine in person what she would do” she chuckles “she would murder him” we laugh and I say “that guy is an ass though him and that other idiot Jamie or what’s his name” for the rest of the ride Lauren and I just continued talking trash about them and how Dinah sick with it slayed them, (A/N: That was a really shitty thing that they did to Lauren I was pissed off and to think that I thought they were nice guys, #disappointed I am sorry if I offend anyone but it was just a really crappy move) we arrive to her house and we get out and I say “thanks a lot Lauren” she says “no problem let me know what she says ok” “ok I will” I get in my car and I drive to Demi's house.

When I arrive to her house I see a very familiar car parked outside I park my car and grab my bag and walk towards the door and I knock on the door and then someone that I hate so much and didn’t think I would ever see again opens the door and who is that person it is Scarlett of course, I immediately feel myself get angry and I say “what the hell are you doing here?” she was about to answer when Demi steps in and says “Alex what are you doing here?” I say “I came to surprise you but obviously I'm the surprised one here, what is she doing here?” Demi says “oh um she came with Marisa they are together” “really where's Marisa?” Marissa pops out and says “present” and smiles at me I give her a small smile and say “hi Marisa” “hi Alex” she hugs me and then Scarlett says “what's up bro” I roll my eyes and walk past her and walk inside, I put my bags down and Demi comes and says “hi baby” I smile “hi beautiful” we lean in and kiss and she says “are you busy tonight?” “no not at all” then Scarlett butts in and says “what? But Demi I thought the 3 of us were going to hang out tonight?” Demi looks at her and says “well things have changed I'm going to spend time with my boyfriend” I smile and chuckle because she called me boyfriend and she pecks my lips and I say “ok well how about we go to dinner tonight?” she smiles “I'd love that let me go get ready” “ok oh and we are not going anywhere fancy so just wear something casual” she smiles “ok” she goes upstairs and I just sit down, Scarlett sits across from me and Marisa says “I am going to help Demi” and she literally ran upstairs , I mean I don’t blame her you can feel the tension between Scarlett and I.

I will always love you even if I say I don't (Demi Lovato Fan Fiction) (GirlxGirl)Where stories live. Discover now