Chapter 105: Noah Is In Love With Me?

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 as soon as Isabella is ready I ask Lauren to drive us to the airport and once we are there we check her in and everything and before she leaves I say “so um do you know when you will come back?” she looks at me and says “I don’t know Noah, I need time to figure everything out” I nod my head understanding and say “do you want this back?” I pull out the ring and she gives me a small smile and nods her head yes and I smile and slide the ring in her again and she says “I still love you Noah Alex Jauregui” I smile and say “and I still love you Isabella Ana future Jauregui” she giggles and we lean in and share a passionate kiss, she walks away and well I am happy to see her smiling again but at the same time I feel my heartbreak because I feel like she is leaving me behind but all I am hoping is for her to come back soon.

1 month later…..

Noah's Pov:

It’s been a whole month since Isabella left and I miss her so much, I’ve been talking to her a lot and well it sounds like she is doing much better I am also doing better, and she is going to come back soon at least I hope she does, honestly I miss her, I miss holding her in my arms, I miss everything about her I just wish she would come back, I have been working really hard because Demi has had a really busy schedule this month and honestly we have gotten closer and she has finally convinced me that buddy is cute and is not a monster honestly she treats that little bastard better than she treats me, yeah she freaking punches me when I mess with buddy and that little bastard gets me in trouble all of the time, like right now he is trying to take away my towel that is wrapped around my waist and so he is trying to take it away from me since I had just finished taking a shower and I say “dammit buddy fuck off” but he keeps on pulling on it and I am trying to kick him but not hurt him at the same time and I say “you little bastard let go of it” but he just continues and Demi comes and see’s what is going on and I am about to say something but buddy pulls harder on the towel and it falls to the floor and he runs away with it and I am just standing there shocked and she is wide eyed and I right away cover JR and she then covers her eyes and I blush and say “I-i-i-‘m sorry it was buddy’s fault” she says “yeah-h-h just go-o-o” and I walk inside I close and lock the door and I hear her say “whoa” and I just chuckle and I begin to change.

 After that awkward moment that I had with Demi I decided to just stay in my room I couldn't face her she just saw my penis it would be weird to go out there and have a normal conversation with her but the good thing was that it was Friday which meant she didn't have to go anywhere well at least not that I know but then I hear a knock on my door and I know that it's her so I open it and say "yeah?" And she responds "hey are you going to Maddie's birthday bash tonight at my parent’s house?" I shut my eyes forgetting that today was her birthday bash so I say "I completely forgot about that but yeah I'm going" "ok at what time are you going?" I say "um in about 2 hours" she says "ok um do you mind if we go together?" Yes I mind because you just saw my penis and it is going to be really, really, awkward but of course I didn't say that out loud instead I said "yeah sure we can go together" she says "ok sounds good so I guess we will leave in 2 hours?" I say "yes we will" and with that she leaves and I close the door again, I change into shorts and t-shirts since I am going to go cut my hair I've been thinking about getting a new hair cut I just don't know how I should cut it but I guess I will figure that out once I get there, I grab my keys and cellphone and I head downstairs and I see Demi on the couch with buddy and I say “hey um I’m going to cut my hair do you need anything?” she looks at me and says “um can you stop by Starbucks and get me a coffee?” I say “yeah sure will do” I leave and make my way to the barbershop.

 Once I get to the barbershop I tell him how I want it and he begins to cut my hair (A/N: picture is going to be at the beginning of the chapter hopefully you guys can view it) once he is done and I am satisfied I make my way to Starbucks and I buy Demi and I’s drink on my way back my cellphone begins to ring and I see that it is Isabella calling me and I put on my earphones and answer and say “hey beautiful” she says “hey baby” but she doesn’t sound so happy and I say “what’s wrong babe?” she says “I um I just have been doing some thinking” I say “what have you been thinking about?” she says “I don’t know if I want to come back to LA anymore” I make a confused face and I say “what do you mean you don’t want to come back?” she says “I just I don’t feel at home when I am in LA” “babe you know that LA isn’t home our home is in Texas” she says “no Noah it isn’t Texas either I just I don’t feel right coming back” I say “why, I don’t understand I thought everything was going great I thought you were feeling better?” she says “I am I just feel like I am a burden to you when we are in LA” I sigh “Isabella you are not a burden to me I don’t understand where this is coming from Isabella first you grab your things and leave and now you tell me you don’t want to come back” she says “I just I think I need to more time to figure things out Noah please understand me I love you so much but I just don’t know if I want to go back to LA” I sigh and say “so where does this leave us?” up to that point I was home already and when I said that Demi looked at me questioning what was going on and I just gave her, her drink and a small smile and walked to the kitchen and Isabella says “I still love you Noah and I still want us to get married I just feel like the longer we stay in LA the longer that Demi is going to be in the picture” I groan “Isabella I already told you that I don’t love her I only love you I don’t know why that is so hard to believe” she sighs “I believe you I really do but I just I don’t know I am afraid of her taking you away from me Noah I really am why can’t we just leave LA? Why is it hard for you to just leave her behind?” I say “because I am her bodyguard Isabella I made a commitment to protect her ok” she says “well has it ever crossed your mind that because you are protecting her and keep committing to her that you are failing me and is very close to losing me”.

I will always love you even if I say I don't (Demi Lovato Fan Fiction) (GirlxGirl)Where stories live. Discover now