Chapter 140: Trial

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"the only reason why I am doing this is because you left with our daughter you risked her life something could've gone wrong when you left you are 2 months away from giving birth what if you would've given birth earlier and I am over here not being able to see when my daughter is born, did you even think about her? Did you think that something could've happened? No you were thinking about yourself only, I know I ran away once to find peace but I wasn't carrying our child or taking something away from you" Chris comes back and says "I um hate to interrupt but I um finished already" "ok go wait for me in the car" he walks out and I look at her and she wipes her tears and says "so once again it is all my fault I messed up and I am the bad person again" "everyone makes mistakes Demi because even I make mistakes and not believing you and calling you what I did was mistake because if I would've believed you, none of this would've been happening so it's both of our faults I just can't trust you with our daughter"......

Demi's Pov:

It's been a couple of days since Alex and I talked clearly it didn't end well and he is still going to proceed with getting custody of our daughter i am heartbroken that he is doing this to me I know that what I did was bad and I regret it so much but he is taking this too far, I received the papers a couple of days ago Alex's lawyer came by without Alex and gave me the papers and told me that I could not speak to Alex if he was not present and Alex couldn't speak to me if my lawyer wasn't present, I honestly don't care about that I really don't all I care about right now is not letting Alex win this case he can't get full custody of my daughter he can't take her away from me she is also my daughter and I deserve to be able to see her all the time and not have her taken away from me, I am talking to my lawyer and Phil right now we are trying to come up with a strategy to be able to win the case I didn't want to have to fight like this with Alex but I have to do it I can't let him not see my daughter, "look Demi I am going to be honest with you if you really want to win this case then you have to make them feel sorry for you, you have to show them that you leaving with the baby was a mistake and that you understand that you should've told Alex where you were since the baby is also his, but you also have to think about something that can be used against Alex" I say "I can't do that thought I just can't" he says "why not?" "because I still love him no matter what"

The lawyer sighs and Phil says "look at me Demi" I look at him and he says "I know that you still love him I know that you do but he is willing to take your daughter away from you he clearly does not love you if he is doing this Demi, I know you care about him but if you love your daughter then you have to fight for her just the same way that he is fighting to take her away from you" I nod my head understanding as a couple of tears fall from my eyes, he hugs me and says "I know that this is hard for you but you have to stay strong Demi I know that it may seem like we can lose this but we are going to fight really hard to win" "thank you Phil thank you so much for being here for me" he nods his head "hey that's why I am your manager" I smile and we continue and my lawyer says "is there anything Demi that you can think of that we can use against him?" I try thinking really and I know that there are two things that we can use the first one is that he has a heart condition, the explanation would be that what if he gets a heart attack or something and is by himself with the baby, the second thing is bringing up the past about him selling drugs for his father, even though of course Wilmer forced him into but he did drugs and he sold them and who knows what about if he one day decides to go back and start running the same business as Wilmer did, of course I know that Alex would never do that but I know that it's probably the best way to convince the judge I just don't know whether I should bring up the past or not.

Alex's Pov:

I haven't spoken to Demi since that day that I moved out, she hasn't tried calling me or anything which is good my lawyer and I believe that we will win the case for sure, my family understands why I am going this far at first they didn't in fact my mother was pissed off at me she didn't talk to me for 2 days but then I explained to her why I was doing it and she said she would stand by me Lauren and Camila understand too of course Haley was against what I am doing and I don't blame her I mean she has 3 kids so like I said I don't blame her it just sucks that she doesn't have my back on this Demi's family is pissed off with me, and as for the public well no one knows except for the family we both agree that this is something that we want to keep private of course people are going to be suspicious the Lovatics are wondering what happened between us why we don't seem to have that spark anymore, honestly I lied to Demi of course I still love her I will always love her no matter what but our relationship is toxic it is not healthy for neither of us, and it's best if we are not together which is why I lied to her and told her that I did not love her even though I miss her so much every day, how I wish that we didn't have to do this, I wish that we could just be a normal happy family that doesn't have any problems, but then again if you think about it than that means it would be a boring at a certain point, you always need to have some sort of drama going on in your family, something that you grow up with, and just by having that drama in your life you can either choose to bring you down or it can help you stand tall and move pass it.

I will always love you even if I say I don't (Demi Lovato Fan Fiction) (GirlxGirl)Where stories live. Discover now