Chapter 109: Her Room Part 1

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 I lied to Isabella I told her that I only loved her and nobody else but I am trying so hard to get my heart to forget about Demi but it just won’t listen and I don’t understand why like why do I still have to be in love with her why can’t I move on from her? She cheated on me she broke my heart and I for some reason I can’t move on from her like isn’t that enough stupid heart do you want to get your heart broken again? Do you want to feel the same pain that she caused you 3 years ago? Why can’t you just say ok that’s it she crossed the line you are not going to love her anymore why does your heart necessarily have to stick with one person? So many questions that I wish that I could have an answer for but the only answer that my heart whispers to me is “because you will always love Demi no matter how much she hurts you, you guys are supposed to be together she is your everything and you are her everything you are supposed to get married with her and live a happy life with her it has always been Demi even when you were with Jenny it was still always going to be her no matter what” and then it was like a switch went off again in my head I need to do this…..

Demi’s Pov:

After that slightly awkward breakfast with Isabella and Noah, Sam came and just made things 10 times awkward I just wanted the ground to open up and eat me alive, I can tell that Noah does not like Sam at all I can tell that he is jealous because he doesn’t act like himself when Sam is around I know and feel this tension between them I just hope that it doesn’t lead to anything else, right now Sam and I are cuddling on the couch honestly I really like Sam he is really sweet to me he always puts me first and does really cute things like he just randomly showed up today with flowers, coffee, and my favorite pastry, and it reminded me of all those times that Alex would do cute things for me, stop Demi stop thinking about Alex you have to move on from her she is never going to come back because you cheated on her so stop thinking about her and just move on it’s for the best, but then my phone starts ringing and I see that it is a private number I make a confused face and I say “babe I’ll be right back I need to take this” he says “ok” I get up and I walk into the backyard and I answer and say “hello?” then I hear that voice that I haven’t hear for 3 years a voice that I know I could never stop loving and that I have been missing for 3 years and I knew at that moment that it was Alex.

Noah’s Pov:

When that switch went off in my head I knew immediately what I needed to do to fix all of this which was that I needed to call Demi, but it wasn’t going to be to tell her everything, I have been pacing back and forward in the room since Isabella left to go do some wedding things, come on you can do this Noah this is the only way that everything will be solved and everything will come to an end you can do it just act yourself, I finally grow the balls to call and of course I called private I wasn’t going to just call her like that with my phone number, it begins to ring and I am shitting bricks god this is more nerve wrecking than I thought it would be she finally answer and says “hello?” I say “Demi?” I didn’t get a response or anything it was just silent and I knew that she was shocked or she probably passed out or she is literally standing there frozen, I decide to man up and say “hello Demi?” she doesn’t say anything again, damn it Demi come on just say something and then I say “hello? Is anyone there?” I wait for a little while and then I hear her say in a low voice that I barely heard which said “Alex is that you?” I say “um yeah it’s me” “oh my god I can’t believe it’s actually you” I sigh and say “yeah um the reason I am calling you is because I um noticed that you have been using my credit card for the past 3 years” she says “what?” I chuckle and say “I’m joking beautiful” oh crap no tell me that did not just slip out my mouth so I say “I I’m um yeah sorry um I was just joking about the credit card part” she chuckles and says “it’s so good to hear your voice again Alex, I thought that I was never going to hear it again” I say “yeah I’ve been busy”.

I will always love you even if I say I don't (Demi Lovato Fan Fiction) (GirlxGirl)Where stories live. Discover now