Chapter 85: Turning The Page

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I want us to try and continue what we weren't able to continue, obviously it's not going to be the same because we would have to start all over and take it slow I have always felt something for you inside and I always will because there was never a reason for me not to love you of course the only thing that was in our way was the distance and perhaps now Demi but believe me when I say that I would never and never will use you as a rebound to forget Demi even if you think I am or the people around us thinks so, which is why I want you to come with me I want to give us a try again because I love you Isabella” and honestly everything I said is true I do love Isabella maybe not yet as a girlfriend but I will always feel something for her because there was never a bad reason for why we broke up and I know it seems like I am using her as a rebound but I am not I really do care about her and want to make her happy and live the life that she has always dreamed of, she smiles at me and up to this point she has tears streaming down her face and says “you know I have always loved you too Alex and seeing you with Demi was definitely the hardest thing to see and I know that you would never use me as a rebound because I have never hurt you and you have never hurt me” I smile at her and say “so what do you say?”

Alex’s Pov:

She Smiles at me and says “ok I'll go with you to Texas but with one condition” I smile “anything Isabella” she says “we take what we had slow ok I want us to start all over again?” I nod my head agreeing and say “of course Isabella we can do that, I couldn’t agree more myself” she smiles and I get up and I hug her really hard and I say “thank you” “thank you Alex” I smile at her knowing what she means and then says “ok so now you need to call your family and tell them where you are because I am pretty sure they are worried sick about you” “ok, ok I will” I grab Isabella’s phone and dial Lauren's number and she answers and says “hey Isabella what's up?” I say “Lauren listen if Demi is around don't react big ok go somewhere else I don't want her to know you are talking to me” she says “ok” I hear her close a door and she whisper yells “Alex where the hell are you?” I say “relax Lauren I'm in Brazil with Isabella” she says “what? I am going to kill you when I see you we have been worried sick about you” I sigh “I Know I'm sorry I just needed to get away from her” she says “I understand you and I'm really sorry for what happened but you should've called us and at least told us where you were going mom and dad are so worried mom is going crazy Alex you need to come back” “I know I just I wasn't thinking straight at all but I'm ok trust me just tell mom and dad that I'm ok I want you mom dad Chris Haley and the kids to book a flight to Brazil” she says “what for?” I say “because there is going to be a lot of changes that I need to tell you guys about” I look at Isabella and she smiles at me.

She says “ok what about Demi?” I say “don't bring her Lauren don't even tell her that I called or where I'm at or where you guys are going ok” “ok I got it Alex, but she isn't doing well at all” I say in a cold tone “well that's not my fault she's the one that cheated on me Lauren” she says more calm “what happened Alex?” “I'll tell you when you guys get here” “ok” I say “oh by the way can you please bring me the extra clothes I left in your apartment?” she says “yeah sure” I say “thanks I love you guys remember that” “we love you too Alex take care” we click and Isabella says “So what did she say?” I say “well of course they said they were worried about me and I told her that I am ok and well I also told them to come to Brazil because I am going to tell them everything that’s going to happen” she nods and says “ok well um when are you going to talk to my parents?” I say “I guess I should go and talk to them right now” she says “ok let’s go”.

After talking to Isabella’s parents which went pretty well they were happy that Isabella and I were going to try to be together again they were sad that she was leaving but understood what was going on, so right now we are at a shopping center in Brazil because I needed clothes and well we were in a bridge I was waiting for Isabella and I was looking at a picture of Demi and I, we looked very happy and in love and I just couldn't believe that she has broken all her promises I didn't understand why she would do that I really don't, I feel eyes stinging and that's when I let it all out and I just start crying Demi was everything to me I loved her so much and I still do I don't understand why she would do this to me when all I have done is love her with all my heart she was the one I was going to marry have kids with and grow old with we had made that promise and she just broke it like every promise we made meant nothing to her and I don’t understand why, we were just making plans about having kids and then she does this to me, I feel my phone vibrate and I see that I have a new twitter notification and I open it and it was an E Online article that was titled “Has Demi Lovato been cheating on Alex Jauregui for a while now?” I make a confused face and start reading it and it says “Apparently Demi Lovato has been seen going out a lot with a girl who isn't Alex Jauregui for the past month neighbors have reported that Lovato has been going over a lot to this girls house at night and coming out in the morning very happy could it be that Lovato is cheating on Alex or is Lexmi over and this is Lovato’s new girlfriend? If the cheating rumors are true or if the couple have really broken up we are really saddened about it and not only us but all the Lexmi shippers are heartbroken let's hope none of this is true and by the way where is Alex Jauregui?”

I will always love you even if I say I don't (Demi Lovato Fan Fiction) (GirlxGirl)Where stories live. Discover now