Chapter 104: You Can't Come With Me

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Noah's Pov:

 It’s been 5 days, 5 days since Isabella and I lost our baby, it’s been 5 cruel days for us, especially when we found out that our baby was going to be a girl, Isabella isn’t doing good at all and neither am I Isabella has been locked up in our room for the past 5 days she won’t eat or sleep all she does is cry, I have tried to get her to eat but she doesn’t want too, all of this broke her she doesn’t have the spark that she used to have in her eyes anymore it’s all covered with anger, sadness, and guilt, I really wish that she could talk to me but I know that she is taking it harder than I am, I still can’t believe that we lost our little girl I don’t understand why we lost her we have not done anything to deserve this our baby girl did not deserve to not be able to see the light she shouldn’t have passed away she deserved to be born grow up make mistakes, fall in love, be a mother, she deserved to live a happy life she didn’t deserve to die, I will never understand why god took her away from us.

 Isabella’s Pov:

 Why god why did you take our daughter away from why did you do that to me? What have done wrong for you to do this to me? She was going to be my daughter, I was going to hold her in my arms when she was born and watch her grow up and now I can’t do that anymore because you took her away from, I don’t know what to do I feel lost and broken I feel like I can’t think straight anymore I feel like I will never be able to recover from this, I don’t think I can recover from this I just can’t, it’s been 5 days since we lost her it’s been 5 days since I saw Noah, as soon as we were released from the hospital we came back to Demi’s house and I locked myself in our room, I don’t want to see anyone I don’t want to eat or sleep I just want to be left alone, I want to be alone so that I can cry all that I want and try to find a reason as to why this happened to us why? And then it hit me all of this happened because of Noah, Noah is the reason why we lost our baby, if it wasn’t for Noah taking the job to be Demi’s bodyguard we would’ve never moved to LA, if Noah wouldn’t have ever made the decision to actually come with us to LA for Demi’s birthday we wouldn’t be here, this is all Noah’s fault.

 I get up and walk out of the room and I go downstairs and I see Noah walking out from the kitchen and I go and start punching his chest and say “it’s your fault, you are the reason why all of this happened, you just had to come didn’t you, you had to take the job, you had to make us move over here, you had to take drive us to Red Robin, it’s all your fault” he tries to stop me but I continue and eventually gives up and just stands there, and I stop and say “all of this is your fault Noah” tears are falling from my eyes and tears are falling from his eyes too and he says “this isn’t my fault Isabella I don’t know why this happened I didn’t do anything wrong” “bullshit it is your fault because you chose to say yes to come over here for Demi’s party, if you wouldn’t have decided that then we wouldn’t have moved over here” I can tell that my words hurt him but I didn’t care he was the blame, he says “this is not my fault Isabella this is your fault for choosing to go out to eat we could’ve stayed in and the accident would have never happened you are to blame too not only me” I slap him and say “don’t you dare blame me you are not allowed to blame me when all of this happened because you are still in love with Demi” he looks at me shocked and then says “how many times do I have to tell you that I am not in love with her I am only in love with you, but you always make things hard” “you know that is complete bullshit you stopped loving the day that we came back to LA and you saw Demi ok, I know it you know it, your whole family knows it ok” “you are wrong Isabella I still love you my heart belongs to you not to Demi why can’t you see that? I tried so hard to show you that I love you and only you I chose to propose to you because I want to spend the rest of my life with, but you always seem to look past that and think that I still love her but I don’t”.

I will always love you even if I say I don't (Demi Lovato Fan Fiction) (GirlxGirl)Where stories live. Discover now