Chapter 96: Noah Calm Down

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We arrive to Lorenzo’s restaurant and she says “ok so um Max always sits with me at the table but since you want to be a hard ass then you will sit down by yourself at another table” I nod my head agreeing and say “just trying to keep it professional” she rolls her eyes “yeah I know you told me already” I help her out of the car and she walks over to the waitress and the waitress says “table for 2?” she says “oh um actually my friend is waiting for me inside” the waitress says “what’s her name?” she says something but I didn’t hear because an ambulance passed by and so the waitress “right this way” we walk inside the restaurant and walk over to a booth in the back I see a girl with blonde hair sitting down we get to the table and Demi smiles and says “hi” and the girl gets up wait a minute this girl looks familiar, she says “hi Demi” wait that voice also sounds familiar they hug and the turns around and I cannot believe who is standing right in front of me, I can’t even believe that this is the person Demi was meeting up with”

Noah’s Pov:

Seriously though I cannot believe Demi is meeting up Scarlett the one that broke us up in the first place, the one that ruined Demi and I’s relationship, our future, our forever, how could she possibly meet up with this girl that not only tore us apart but even broke her heart after everything how could she like seriously Demi, gosh I wish I was Alex right now but I control myself and Scarlett looks at me and fear runs through her face and she says “Alex?” Demi says “oh no Scarlett this is not Alex this is Alex’s cousin Noah” I glare at her I feel like just attacking her and beating the crap out of her but I can’t do that because I am not Alex I am Noah, Demi’s bodyguard so I say “so you’re Scarlett the one that ruined Demi and my cousins relationship?” Scarlett smirks “yeah that’s me you got a problem?” oh I am about to beat the shit out of this girl and Demi says “Noah calm down” I say “yes I do have a problem you messed with my cousin you piece of shit” she laughs and says “oh please Demi was all mine since we met” that’s it I can’t take this anymore I feel my blood boiling and all I see is red all I know is that I punched Scarlett not only once but multiple times.

Demi says “Noah stop, stop” she pulls me off and I groan and she says “what the hell is the matter with you, what happened to being professional?” I am pissed I don’t care up to this point and she says “you know what leave ok, leave before I fire you Noah you had no right to do what you did” part of me felt guilty but part of me didn’t because I was finally able to beat the shit out of Scarlett and I say “whatever” and I walk away and I call Max and he says “hey Noah what’s up?” I say “come pick up Demi at Lorenzo’s” and I hang up before he speaks, I take a cab I knew I couldn’t go home because I would end up hurting Isabella not physically but emotionally and I don’t want to do that so I decide to got o Lauren’s house, once I arrive I pay the guy and knock on Lauren’s door and she opens it and says “Noah? What are you doing here?” I say “Demi met up with Scarlett and I lost it and beat the shit out of Scarlett” we walk in and she says “oh my god so Demi knows that you are Alex?” I say “no she doesn’t know she still thinks I am Noah, I just beat up Scarlett as Noah” she says “oh my god Noah what did you do?” I sigh and wrap my arms around my neck and say “I just I lost it how could she still talk to her after she was the reason why we broke up? After she cheated on her how could she still do that?”.

Lauren says “I don’t know Noah I honestly don’t know” I say “please tell me you have alcohol?” she chuckles “yes I do but do you really want to drink right now I mean it’s barely noon?” I sigh and say “yeah you are right I mean I have to go home Isabella is going to question when Demi gets home and I am not with her” she says “ok but let me drive you are not paying for another cab” I chuckle and say “fine but just let me relax a little bit” she says “ok” I say “I’m sorry for just barging in just like that I don’t even know if you were busy or something?” she says “oh yeah I was busy I was um busting a 50 shades of grey scene with Camila she is actually upstairs right now tied up” I look at her and say “oh my god please tell me you are joking?” she chuckles “of course I am you dork” I sigh in relief “thank god that would’ve been really disturbing towards me” she laughs and I say “I don’t know what to do Lauren?” she says “what do you mean?” I sigh “I don’t know how to control myself around her” she says “Noah do you still have feelings for her?” “no, no, no it’s not that I like her I just don’t how I can control myself being her bodyguard and having to see her with Scarlett” she says “I mean I know what you mean but do you really think that she is going to be with Scarlett all the time? I mean maybe she just met up with her for a certain reason” I say “I don’t know Lauren I think they are more than just friends” she says “well if you don’t feel nothing for her then you shouldn’t let that bother you because just like you have moved on then she has the right to move on” I say “but with Scarlett really?” she says “hey the heart wants what it wants and if it wants Scarlett then it wants Scarlett” I sigh knowing that she is right and she says “and besides she has the right to move on and be with whoever she wants because that’s her life” I nod my head and say “yeah you are right” she says “so all you can do is just be her bodyguard you have to act professional”

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