Welcome to The Tournament!

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It was the next five days after everyone got their invitations to the big tournament and many of the invited fighters were taking a getting there on a flying bus, but for one person in particular, he was taking his own ship to the arena. Goku looked outside the window and noticed multiple buses flying there and smiled with excitement.

Goku:This is awesome! I can't wait to see who we're gonna be fighting!

Vegeta:It looks like a lot of people will be at this thing. It's best that we try not to underestimate them.

Bakugo:I'll murder 'em!

Deku:I know we fought people worse than this, but I can't help but be nervous. What if we could be fighting someone really dangerous. Maybe even more dangerous than All For One.

Broly:I wouldn't worry too much, Deku. We trained as much as we could before we left five days ago.

Vegeta:So quit your whining, Deku. We should be fine.

Kirishima:Oh, shit! Check out the arena!

Link:Hmm. I like the new arena.

Gabriel:Looks awesome.

Sonic:Alright! This is gonna be fun! Sucks Shadow wasn't invited. Again.

Rouge:He'll be fine. He has Sonica to keep him company. Plus, he's gonna cheer us on when he watches the tournament live.

Eventually, the flying buses landed at the landing stations near the arena and they all got off of them once the doors opened. They all looked and saw fighters from all over, including from other universes.

Rouge:Oh, wow. There are fighters from all over the place.

Uraraka:Yeah. It's a lot of people. Hey, isn't that another Deku?

Deku:What are you..? Oh. That is another me. But, why am I dressed so differently?

Villain Deku:Another me? A hero. And there's Kacchan. I'll squash him like a bug and do the same to my weaker counterpart.

Deku:It looks like he's looking right at me.

Bakugo:Hey! What the hell are you looking at?!

Villain Deku:Don't let me catch you off guard, Bakugo.

Goku:Hey! Cabba! Caulifla! Kale! Hit! Over here!

Cabba:Hey! Long time, no see! How are you and Vegeta?

Goku:I'm doing great!

Vegeta:I can't complain.

Caulifla:I see you all are fighters. Don't you hold back, you hear me?

Goku:Trust me. We won't.

Caulifla:Good. Make sure your friends over there know that, too.

Frieza:Hello, Goku and Vegeta.

Goku and Vegeta:!!!

Vegeta:Frieza?! What the hell are you doing here you cum-stained lizard?

Frieza:I was invited to this tournament just like you, Vegeta.

Vegeta:Why the hell would they send YOU of all people a damn invitation?!

Frieza:Your answer's as good as mine, but I'm flattered they invited me.


Frieza:Oh, Broly! It's been a long time since you nearly beat me to death. Just like your father, I will put you down like the filthy monkey you are. Same for your little friends, too.

Zero:There's a lot of fighters here. *Smirks* Nothing I can't handle.

Delilah:Hello~, Nurse.

Zero:Delilah. I see you're invited here, too.

Delilah:Yeah. This'll be fun, huh? All these fighters are just getting me excited.

Zero:I can see that. If this is your attempt at getting me to join your little group, forget it. Not gonna happen.

Delilah:It was worth a shot. I will get you at some point.

Zero:Doubt it.

Master Hand:Welcome, fighters! Welcome to the annual Super Smash Bros. Tournament! Now, if you would enter the rooms with the numbers of your buses, we can get this tournament underway! But, we have a rule. That rule is that there are no rules! Use whatever you have at your disposal to take down your opponents and if they die, then so be it!

John:There's a chance we can die here?

Uraraka:This isn't like the usual tournament.

Goku:Yeah. And it looks like a few people I can point out are satisfied with that.


Villain Deku:*Smiles as his eyes turn red*


Vegeta:Let's just do our best and try not to die here.

Bakugo:You hear that, you damn nerd? Don't let me catch you slipping!

Villain Deku:Trust me. You won't. Hahahahahaha.

All of the fighters then went inside their rooms that are numbered with the number of the bus they came on and started to wait for their name to be called into the ring to fight. From inside their rooms they heard the crowd cheering with excitement.

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