Road to Memecon Part 3

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This is the last stretch of the road trip to Memecon and both RVs are on their way to the hotel they will be staying in for the night. Energy was pretty low, of course, even Crash started drifting off a few times and Gadget and Tawna had to make sure he stays awake.

Tawna:Alright guys, we're almost there. *Yawns*

John:Finally. Obviously, everybody's tired.

Tawna:Yeah, the energy's pretty low right now, but we have a feeling it will go up when we reach our final destination.

Tari:We have a pretty good surprise for you all in regards to the place we're staying in.

Shadow:*Sees the layout* Are you fucking kidding me?

John:*Sees the sign* No.

Tawna:*Tries not to laugh*

Crash:You mates remember this place?


Tawna:I don't know if you guys remember-

Gabe:Yeah, that's the same fucking place that we LEFT!

Rouge:Are you serious?

John:And SMG4's the motherfucker that did it last year! Next time, let Rouge do this shit!

Maria:I said as long as it was the place we stayed that time, I'd be fine with it. But it had to be the place we stayed in last time.

Crash:We didn't even stay there, though.

Sally:No, we fucking booked it. We booked it that night.

Shadow:You gotta be fucking kidding me.

Zelda:Why did you do this?

John:SMG4 and Tari went in there, probably experiencing it first hand that fucking lobby.

Coco:They're gonna know exactly why John had me call them that night.

John:Now I know why Shadow said that I should've grabbed a few beers.

Saiko:This is literally the worst. Had to be the place we stayed in last god damn year.

John:Last time, it was a combination with a bathroom and a kitchen and there was that bucket that smelled like vomit.

Rouge:This place was so bad, I dipped in my own hard earned money to book us a room.

John:Oh! SMG4 and Tari saw it.

Meggy:What'd you think?

Mario:We want you to see it! We want you to see for yourself why John had to call you that night!

Tari:We have some bad news.

Luigi:What could be worse?

SMG4:They screwed up our reservation and we only have five rooms.

Mario:*Goes full retarded* AHHHHHHHHHHH! *Runs around the RV* AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! AHHHHHH!

Shadow:*Puts his face in the palm of his hand* Honestly... What could be worse..?

Tawna:We only have five rooms, guys. They fucked up the reservation.

John:*Takes off his glasses slowly* What..?! Well, that ruined me fucking Rouge like an animal. *Laughs*

SMG4:To be honest, guys, I don't think we're gonna be up here longer than thirty minutes.

John:*Laughs a bit* You and Tari are gonna see it yourselves and you don't even wanna stay here-HAHAHAHAHA!

Tari:We have less rooms than we reserved! Are you kidding me?!

John:HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! This place is so fucking tainted! This is the worst! Even when you two knew you were picking a shitty place, it still backfires because it's so fucked! HAHAHAHAHAHA! That's how fucked this place is!

Infinite:*Opens a window* FUUUUCK!

Grim:Whoa, dude! HAHAHAHAHAHA!

Tawna:Infinite yelled out the window. Hahahahaha!

Tari:I think Shadow's sleeping or dead. He probably took some pills.

SMG4:What do you guys think of our final destination?

John:We wanna know what you and Tari think about it when you fucking go in there.

Infinite:What are we going up there for? What is there for us to see that we have not seen?

Rouge:SMG4 and Tari to understand our misery.

Infinite:They only have to understand it. But now because of their fuck up, where the fuck are we gonna sleep tonight? On the god damn street?

Gabe:We could go back to that same place we paid for our of pocket again. Hahahaha!

They then got out of the RVs and entered the rooms they have. As soon as they stepped inside the bad smell of the rooms hit them pretty hard. In the room John, Gabe and Rouge are sharing, they were just screwing around.

Rouge:Here's the shampoo we can share for four nights.

John:*Laughs and looks at the shampoo*

Crash:*Walks in* Huh? *Reads the paper* This place sucks.

Gabe:In that form.

John:*Accidentally spills the shampoo on the bed and wheezes before laughing*

Tawna:Oh my-! John! Why would you do that?!

John:He's gonna think there was an incident here. *Laughs* Two men and one woman came up here and-*Laughs*

Crash:Might as well mess it up a bit. *Messes it up*

Gabe:HAHA! You rubbed it in!

John and the others:*Laughing*

SMG4:Guys?! What are we supposed to say when we check out of this place?!

John:Hey, we checked out the instant we fucking got here! You think this is the first time someone's done it? Obviously not. *Accidentally squirts shampoo on the cabinets* HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

Crash:Somebody couldn't control their aim.

Tari:John, you're acting like a child.

John:Get me the fuck out of here, then! Before we all leave. There's one thing we can leave here for this fucking place because it deserves it. *Leaves Del Taco mild sauce* Alright, now we can go.

SMG4:You guys and the others go out we'll come last, we gotta check out.

Link:No, stay here. You two stay here for the night.

Gadget:Yeah, stay here for the night.

They then got in the RVs and drove off to another hotel to stay in for Memecon after being in the other hotel.

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