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It has been a few weeks since after John and the others came from Isle Delfino. John and Gabe were with Salmonfang as they were making new graves for his parents.

John:How about this? Is this alright?

Salmonfang:Yes. It's perfect. Thanks.

John:No problem, dude. Just glad to help.

John smiled for a bit before it faded as he started thinking about something.

Gabe:John. You okay, bro?

John:Yeah. I'm fine. I was just thinking about all this stuff that happened a few weeks ago. That stuff with the snap or whatever.

Gabe:Yeah. I can't blame you. I've been thinking about it for a while, too.

Salmonfang:The stuff that happened a while back? I know. I was one of the ones who was snapped away.

John:I was just wondering if we could get some people that could help us out so we can prevent any fucked up event like that from happening again.

Gabe:Not a bad idea.

Salmonfang:Why don't you hold-uhhh... What are things people are interested in joining a team?

John:Interviews and auditions.

Salmonfang:Why don't you hold one of those?

John:Sounds good. But I don't wanna do just boring old auditions.

Gabe:Maybe we'll do a competition. Whoever we choose will be the competitors and they'll have team members since teamwork makes the dream work.

Salmonfang:Don't you two always come up with good ideas like this?

Gabe:Pretty much. Well, we gotta get going, now. See you later.

Salmonfang:See you later, fellas.

John and Gabe then started swinging through the Mushroom Kingdom to head back to Mobian city. When they got there, they went inside and called their friends so they can meet. Eventually, SMG4 and the others made it to John and the others' house and walked inside.

SMG4:What's up, John?

Mario:Yeah, you called us because you had something to tell us?

John:Yeah. Listen, I was thinking about all this crap with that smaller Springtrap sometime back and I want to avoid something like that ever happening again. So Gabe and I got the idea to round up some people that could help us out with any threats that may come our way.

Meggy:That's awesome!

Rouge:That sounds like a great idea, baby.

Janet:Yeah, daddy! That's really smart!

Shadow:How should we do it, guys?

Gabe:Well, we can hold auditions first. After we pick the potential candidates, we were thinking about holding a competition for them and they're allowed to have a team of people during that competition.

Tari:That's awesome!

Kellie:Let's do it!

Everyone then started getting auditions ready, Amy and the others are decorating, SMG4 created the posters, John and the others are putting them up all around Mobian city, Hyrule, the Mushroom Kingdom, Spiral Mountain, Wumpa Island, and Inkopolis. Eventually, they got a lot of people interested to join and help out.

John:Wow. I didn't expect this many people to show up.

Gabe:Well, let's get these out of the way. Who's first?

John:First up is...Rabbid Mario?

Rabbid Mario walks inside the room and stands in front of them.

John:So, why do you want to join our team?

Rabbid Mario:*Babbling*

Gabe:I have no idea what the fuck he's saying.

John:Me neither. I don't speak retarded. Uhh, hey. Listen, thank you for your time. We'll call you.

Rabbid Mario nods and leaves the room with a confident smile.

John:Okay. Next up is Geoff.

Geoff then walks in the room and stands in front of them with a smile.


John:Hey, dude. So, you're interested in joining our cause. If you don't mind we'd like to ask a few questions.

Geoff:Sure thing.

John and Gabe then asked a few questions on why he wanted to join and he answers them respectfully with clear answers, impressing John and Gabe.

John:Okay, I think that'll be all. Thank you for your time and we'll let you know if you make the cut.

Geoff:No, thank you for your time. See you later.

They continued with the auditions for a while until they made it to the last one which is Monty Mole who just walked inside.

Monty Mole:Uhhh, hi. *Chuckles nervously*

John:Hey. No need to be nervous. Tell us about yourself.

Monty Mole:Well, I'm Monty Mole. I want to join your cause because I've always wanted to be a hero just like you and your friends. When my son was snapped away, I could hardly bare it, but when you guys brought them back, I was so happy and I even told my son that I'm gonna be like you guys. I may not seem like much, but I have my uses.

John:Hmm. You have potential. Thank you for your time. We'll keep in touch.

Monty Mole:N-No problem.

Monty Mole then left the room, officially ending the auditions. John and Gabe then walked out of the room and back to the house.

Kellen:So, who are some of the new members?

John:We picked four. Mainly because all of them sound like great potential members.

Meggy:Awesome! Who are they?

John:We may pick Monty Mole, Waluigi, Greenie and Shy Guy.

Mario:The other three, maybe. But Waluigi?

John:Hey, he said wants to change. So we figured we'll give him a chance to prove himself. Hell, if Springtrap who was a child murderer can change, then why not?

Luigi:You do have a point.

Saiko:Why the hell not? He seems he genuinely wants to change for the better.

John then calls the four he chose to come to the castle. Monty Mole, Waluigi, Shy Guy and Greenie eventually showed up excited to see what John has to say.

Waluigi:Why'd you call us over here?

Shy Guy:Yeah. I wouldn't have expected this wood muncher to be here. He's too much of a pussy to be part of the team.

Monty Mole:Fuck you.

John:We called you here because...


John:We have selected you four to be potential members of the Multiversal heroes!




Waluigi:That's great and all, but what do you mean by potential members?

John:Well, you can become members if you win in a challenge that we're gonna do tomorrow. I'd recommend you guys train and get some rest today. Because the competition will start tomorrow.

Monty Mole and the other competitors all nodded in agreement and went home to start training.

John:Alright, now we just have to get everything ready for the competition tomorrow. But let's relax a bit. I'm exhausted.

Gabe:Yeah. Sounds good, bro.

Everyone then went to their homes to rest for a while before getting some things for the competition the next day.

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