Fake Crash Returns!

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It's been a couple days after they helped Naughty and Yaya move into their new house and Crash, Tawna and Coco were relaxing on the beach outside their house. Crash was on the ground sleeping, Coco was on her laptop and Tawna was talking with Megumi, Isabella, Ami, Liz and Crunch. Crash eventually stood up and started running around in circles and spinning.

Ami:Umm, why is Crash doing that?

Tawna:He does that every now and then. But, I don't mind when he does it. It's cute. But I do get worried when he hurts himself.

Crash:*Snores* Let Tawna go you son of a bitch..! *Spins some more* I'm gonna kick your ass. *Runs into a tree* Ouch!

Tawna:Crashy! *Runs to him*

Crash:*Shakes his head* That hurts.

Tawna:Are you okay, sweetie?

Crash:Yeah, I'm fine. Don't worry.

Tawna:Okay. *Kisses Crash's forehead*

After that, they continued to relax on the beach, but Coco looked up and saw a familiar face in front of them.


Crash:What the hell? Fake Me?!

Fake Crash:*Waves* Hey.

Crunch:Why are you here?

Fake Crash:Well, I just came to find a place to sleep.

Tawna:Wait, you don't have a home?

Fake Crash:*Shakes his head* Not anymore. They just demolished Cortex's old lair and his bitch of a niece wouldn't let me live in her lair.

Liz:That's terrible.

Tawna:Well, you can stay with us as long as you need to.

Crash:Whoa, what?!

Tawna:Yes, Crash. He's staying with me, you, Coco, Alice and our pets.

Crash:Did you forget he tried to convince everyone he's me? Also, Cortex made him!

Tawna:I know that! But that was in the past. And also, he helped us at one point. Please let him stay.

Coco:We don't know, sis.

Tawna:Come on, please? For me? *Smiles*

Crash:Hmmm... Okay. He can stay.

Tawna:Oh, thanks so much! *Hugs Crash and Coco tightly*

Fake Crash:So...I can stay?

Tawna:Yes, you can! You can take the spare bedroom downstairs, okay?

Fake Crash:Thank you so much for letting me stay!

Tawna:You're welcome. *Smiles*

Crash:This is gonna be interesting...

A week after that, Crash and the others went to visit John and the others at the castle and they decided to bring Fake Crash with them.

John:Hey, you-four? Who's he?

SMG4:Yeah, he looks a lot like Crash but he has big front teeth.

Tawna:Everyone, this is Fake Crash.

Fake Crash:*Goes cross eyed*

SMG3:Oh boy. Another idiot.

Tawna:Hey! He's not an idiot! He's just...special.

Fake Crash:*Tries to eat Toad*

Toad:Someone get this retard off of me!

Tawna:Fake Crash! Get off of him!

Fake Crash:*Stops trying to eat Toad*

Toad:*Headbutts Fake Crash* Bitch!

Mario:Hmmm... What is he doing?

Fake Crash:*Eating glue*

Coco:Why are you eating glue?!

Fake Crash:Huh? Ooooh... That's not good. *Falls over*

Meggy:Is he gonna be okay?

Tawna:I don't know. I hope so.

Luigi:Then again, Mario ate glue before and he's still fine.

Crash:See? He'll be fine.

Tari:Yeah, it looks like he's kind of starting to wake up.

Fake Crash:*Shakes his head and burps* How long was I out?

Tawna:Oh, you were out only for a few minutes.

Alice:Yeah. Just don't eat glue.

Fake Crash:Ohh. I thought it was whipped cream.

Coco:Anyway, what should we do?

Fishy:I did bring a new anime DVD from home!

Mario:Who wants to do anything but that?

Everyone else:*Raises their hand*

John:Gabe and I will watch it with you, Boopkins. Kind of depends on what it is.

Fishy:Oh, thanks, but you wouldn't like it. It's called My Sexy Shark Teacher.

John and Gabe's faces then went from interested to unsettled when they heard the name of the anime.

John and Gabe's faces then went from interested to unsettled when they heard the name of the anime

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John:We'll join the rest of you guys on that.

Fake Crash:I'll watch it with you.


Fake Crash:*Nods and smiles*


Fake Crash, Fishy and Saiko then started to watch the anime he suggested while the others were playing Super Smash Each Other in The Ass Bros. and some other video games for a while. That was until they all went back home since it was getting late. Just as Crash walked out of the bathroom, he looked and saw Fake Crash sleeping without blankets. Crash then walked in and put the blankets on him before walking out and closing the door behind him. Crash then walked to his and Tawna's bed and sat down, she looked towards him and smiled.

Tawna:I saw what you did.

Crash:What are you talking about? *Smiles*

Tawna:Like you don't know. I saw you tuck him in.

Crash:You saw that?


Crash:Well the dimwit grew on me.

Tawna:I figured he would.

Crash:You knew all along, did you?

Tawna:Of course. *Hugs Crash from behind him* Your heart's too big to not care about him.

Crash:I guess you're not wrong about that.

Tawna:Hey. You know I love you, right?

Crash:You know I love you too, right?

Crash and Tawna then shared a kiss before telling each other good night and falling asleep.

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