Multiversal Heroes vs Galeem

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After another hour of walking around, Janet and Ronin eventually ran into the corrupted versions of the Miaculous Gang.

Antibug:You may have gotten past them, but you won't get past us.

Janet:You wanna test that theory?

Queen Wasp:It's not a theory. It's a fact.

They then started fighting the corrupted Miraculous Gang. It was a challenging fight, but they eventually defeated them and freed them from Galeem's control.

Ladybug:Wha..? What happened..?

Janet:You were being controlled by Galeem. He turned everyone including you to dust, afterwards, he corrupted you and created empty puppet versions of yourselves.

Eventually, John, Gabe and Rouge came back, but this time, everyone else was awakened from Galeem's control over them.

Goku:This looks cool and all, but I want things to go back the way they were.

Ronin:We all do. Where are my parents?

Sonic:We couldn't find them here.

John:Let's go fight this Galeem son of a bitch!

They then went to where Galeem is and got ready to fight him. They got to where he is and glare at him.

Galeem:You made it this far. I'm quite impressed. But you won't make it any further than here.

Infinite:That's where you're wrong.

Galeem:Okay. Your doom awaits!

Everyone then starts fighting Galeem. Everyone kept attacking the glowing orb inside, but Galeem would use his abilities to do damage against them. They kept dodging the attacks even though they got hit with a few of Galeem's attacks. Despite that, Galeem was defeated.


Tawna:Alright! He's down!

Just as they started to celebrate, the sky started to crack and eventually shattered. Behind it was a blue eye in the dark, then an army of Crazy Hands emerged from the darkness.

John:What the hell is going on?

As a result of Galeem's defeat, darkness takes hold. The armies of Master Hands and Crazy Hands charge to each other only for the Master Hands to be defeated. Galeem retreats as another being breaks through the sky with its spiky tentacles.

Dharkon:This land now belongs to the shadow. Galeem's spirits and puppet warriors are all under my control now. I am the embodiment of chaos and darkness...DHARKON! Now you all will be lost in the darkness!

John and the others look up and see that the hole is getting larger. Eventually, everyone got sucked in through the hole and they landed in the Dark Realm. They then started to look around and study their new environment.

Smesh:This place is disturbing.

Cristina:Let's go find anyone that's been corrupted.

Everyone nods and they split up into groups to look around for anyone under Dharkon's control and awaken them.

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