The Outbreak Part II

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It's been two hours since the outbreak first started and all seemed to be going well until hordes upon hordes of Black Water zombies kept coming at the heroes and anyone who isn't infected. Meanwhile in Sunset City, Celestia and the others were still dealing with more of the Black Water zombies around them, including Shadow who just turned not too long ago. Gabriel blasts the van behind him back, and ducks under the claw, punching the infected Shadow in the gut and away from him.

Gabriel:Celestia! Catch! *Throws a card that showed someone's location* Go to that location, don't bring ANYONE infected with you. Someone there has a chance at stopping this! Now go!

Celestia:*Catches the card* Right! *Runs off* I have to find Deku, Ochaco, Eri, Cream, her mom and Grandma. I gotta make sure they're okay.

Gabriel:*Brings out his sword and looks at the scratch* We got what, an hour at best...? Hopefully my intuition is right. Pyra! Mythra! Let's buy her some time, as much as we can give!

Pyra and Mythra:Right!

Gabriel charged in headfirst at the horde of Black Water Zombies with Pyra and Mythra following him. After Celestia asked if anyone was there, multiple turrets were pointed straight at her as she heard the voice of a young woman.

???:State your business.

Celestia:*Puts her hands up* I was sent here by my dad...his name is Gabriel. He also told me not to bring anyone infected here, so it's just me for now.

???:Gabriel...? I told him not to come unless it was important... Come in. Don't touch a thing unless I say so. That means don't sit on my couch, and don't lean against anything.

The doors opened up, allowing Celestia to come inside.

Celestia:*Walks inside* Hmmm... So, you know my old man? What are you, his ex or something?

Zelena:*Climbs down a ladder from the second floor* No. He never had much luck with ladies. I'm his sister, Zelena Sebena Weaver.

Celestia:So, that makes you my auntie! Well, the name's Celestia and I'm his daughter.

Zelena:Daughter? He had sex? Wow. Never thought I'd see the day. *Pats the couch* Come on. Sit. You probably have a reason of being here, probably some big crisis or something. Unfortunately, I do not have cable. Tell me what's happened, and what you need.

Celestia:*Sits down* Sure. Well...we're going through a bit of a zombie outbreak. This virus showed up and anyone who catches it...they cough up this black liquid and they have a seizure and then they turn into zombies. A lot of my friends...including my Grandpa got infected. I'm just hoping that Grandma, Deku, Ochaco and Eri are okay. Same with my moms and dad.

Zelena:That's why he called me... This makes sense. Kid, did your father catch this virus? If he did, did it seem like it was infecting him slower than it should?

Celestia:Yeah. Anyone else infected, it took them seconds to turn. But with him...he still seemed fine. Does it take longer for him to turn compared to everyone else?

Zelena:*Brings out a chalkboard* One of our main triforce powers are immunities to internal body attackers. Viruses, plagues, harmful drugs, they like, have to be extremely potent to work on our bodies. *Writes down the information along with her and Gabriel's bodies*  However, Gabriel is an offensive type. This type has the least immunity to the above. However, he's still got major immunities. Support types have 5x the better immune system than offensive types. As for defensive types... *Holds up her right hand, revealing a triforce piece* We have 10x better immune systems than support types. Your father reaction proves that I have a complete immunity to this virus. That's why he called me.

Celestia:Huh. Interesting to know. So, it could take longer for him to turn. But if you were to be bitten or scratched by any of the infected you'll be fine. But, I don't know about me, though. Which is why I played it safe.

Zelena:You seem to be a support type, based on what Protection is telling me. You'll last longer than your father at least. But for right now... We need to know who caused a virus like this. Unfortunately, no natural virus is strong enough to infect triforce holders. It was most likely man made.

Celestia:Fucking Robotnik... It can't be anyone else but him...

Zelena:That's exactly what I was thinking. *Tosses a syringe towards Celestia* Take some of your blood and come upstairs. *Climbs back up the ladder*

Celestia caught the syringe, injected it into her vein and took some of her blood out before climbing up the ladder to see a huge lab full of gadgets and items used to create them.

Celestia:So, why do we need my blood, exactly, auntie?

Zelena:*Takes the syringe and holds up a vial of her own blood* To make a cure. If your friends are still out there, they will not last much longer. With about 15 cure bottles, we will have enough too save whoever can help us fight, and with your blood, we can give them a temporary immunity. After we save the fighters, we murder Eggman. Seems simple enough.

Celestia:Perfect. But, a lot of them are already infected. So, I don't think fifteen will be enough.

Zelena:25 then.

An unknown force floats celestial vile over to Zelena as she pounds flowers to a pulp, adding in red and blue potions and mixing in their blood. The cure was finished. She then looks at the readers.

Zelena:I'm not gonna overdramatize a cure, sorry.

Celestia:Are you familiar with Deadpool, by any chance?

Zelena:No. And we're good to go.

Celestia:Awesome! Don't worry, guys. You're gonna be okay. *Starts thinking about Izuku and her other friends and loved ones* So, what's the plan, now?

Zelena:*Grabs Celestia's hand* Let's get to the city, save fighters, and kill Eggman.

Celestia:Right on.

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