Operation Time Heist

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At the castle, Smesh and the others are getting everything ready for a test drive so they can start the time heist that Goku suggested.

Tails:Alright, time travel test is a go.

Luigi:Mario and I made sure the backup generators are on standby.

Tails:Good, because if we blow the grid, I don't wanna lose Goku in the 1950s.


Maria:He's kidding.

Tails:Yeah, it was just a bad joke.


Maria:You are kidding right?

Tails:Shadow, I don't know. We're talking about time travel. Either it is a joke or it isn't. We're good, Goku. Alright, I'm gonna send you back a week, let you walk around for an hour and bring you back in ten seconds. Makes sense?

Goku:Definitely not confusing.

Smesh:Good luck, Goku. You can do this.

Goku:Thanks, I guess.

The time portal then sucks Goku inside it and closes.

Tails:On the count of three. Three, two, one. *Brings him back*

Kid Goku:Uhhh, guys? This doesn't feel right.

Tails:Hang on. Shit..! *Sends him back and brings back older Goku*

Old Goku:My back..!

Smesh:Can you bring him back?

Tails:Yeah, I can. I'm working on it! *Sends him back and brings back baby Goku*

Cristina:That's a baby.

Tails:That's Goku!

SMG4:As a baby!

Tails:When I say kill the power, kill the power.

Meggy:Oh, my god. *Goes to the switch*

Tails:And... Kill it!

Meggy:*Turns off the power*

Goku:*Comes back* Someone pissed my pants.

Alberto:Thank God.

Goku:But I don't know if it was baby me or old me...or just... me, me.

They then hear the front doors open to see John, Gabe and Rouge walk inside.

John:Why the long faces? Let me guess, he turned into a baby.

Smesh:Among other things, yeah. What are you doing here?

John:Well, we figured it out. This is a time travelling GPS and it's fully functional.

Gabe:We have a shot at getting the stones, but we have priorities. Bring back those we lost, yes. I hope so. We have to get this son of a bitch and not let him kick our asses again. Or die trying.

Smesh:Of course.

Cristina:Sounds good.

John:We are getting an entire team, right?

Smesh:We're working on that right now. We got Mario, Meggy, Luigi and Saiko going to get Infinite and Crystal right now.

In Mobian city, Mario and the others are heading to where Infinite and Crystal are.

Saiko:This place is a bit of a stepdown.

Luigi:Be a bit compassionate, Saiko. First the jackals lost their home planet and then half of them got wiped out, they're just lucky and grateful to have a home.

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